Michael called me during my Sunday morning run. He was outside yesterday doing yardwork, mulching, and playing with his 2 young daughters. When he finally went inside, Michael noticed his rose gold wedding ring was missing. He said he found my website and read the tip about searching at night with a flashlight. He gave that a try but didn’t have any success. I told him that I was halfway through my 6-mile run and would come over when I was finished.
I met Michael and he showed me the different areas he did work and played with his daughters. It was pretty much the whole yard. I started in the areas he mulched. He had removed the mulch and put it in a bag. In the 2 areas I searched, I found a couple of nails and a few other unknown metal objects.
Michael went to get the bag of mulch he removed. As he was in the garage I got a great signal in a thick patch of clover. I parted the clover and there it was a very nice rose gold ring. I believe the local leprechaun was trying to keep the gold ring, as it was well concealed. It would have been found without a metal detector He could believe that I found it in 10 minutes. The look on his face was priceless. He also couldn’t believe that he has so much emotion over a ring. Sentimental feelings are a very powerful thing.
Michael found me through Facebook, from a successful recovery a few blocks away in Collingswood, a month or so ago. That was also a rose gold ring.
I Love My Hobby!