I just spent the last 2 weeks at the Jersey Shore. During those 2 weeks I went metal detecting just about everyday. All can say is that people are SLOBS!!!
If you people who visit the NJ beaches would like to keep the freedom to bring food & drink to the beach, you NEED to start cleaning up your trash. I am not there to pick up your soda cans, balls of tinfoil or your condom wrappers. The beach cleaning machines don’t pick up all of your other trash either.
The beaches are a mess. Trash is everywhere. Beach tags rates will go up to pay for people to clean up YOUR mess. During the high tide some of your trash makes it into the ocean. Then the sea life attempts to eat it, and eventually dies.
Why can’t people be responsible? You think your smart by burying your trash, well your not. With all of the beach erosion it gets uncovered quickly. People get injured on your sharp bottles & cans.
Please help keep the beaches clean!!! (stepping down off of my soap box)