I received a call to search for a ring that was lost 50 years ago. The woman lost it when she was 14 years old, walking through a park to babysit. She had recently seen a show on tv about Jon Cryer, the actor losing his ring. He found a ring finder on the internet, and he found it. Click here is a youtube video about Jon’s loss https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itDIVZE8tHM.
The park is still there, and she was just by it about a month ago. Every time she is in the area, she rides by and thinks about the ring. It was a large gold ring with a diamond in it, given to her by her uncle. It was too big, but she had tape on it to fit her finger better.
I had time the following Sunday morning to search. I looked at Google maps to look at the park. It is a large park, but she is sure of the route she traveled. I’m excited about the search.
The drive is about 45 minutes. I arrive first and cannot believe what I see. The entire park is under construction. There are piles of dirt everywhere, 20 to 30 feet high, a large trench through the whole thing. It looks like they are putting in a sewer system and going to develop the area.
Carol arrived shortly after and was devastated. There was a small area that was undisturbed. I did search that area but didn’t find the ring.
The moral of this story is not to wait when you lose something. If Carol would have found me a month or two earlier, there is a good chance the ring could have been found…
I love my hobby!