Category Archives: Returned Treasure

Lost Wedding Ring Found in Sicklerville NJ

I received an email overnight asking for help in finding a lost wedding band. I asked the usual questions, when, how, where, type of ring, what is the ring made of?

Nicole’s husband was doing yard work earlier in the week and noticed when he was done that his ring was missing. They belive it might be in a huge pile of leaves. The property is about a half an acre. They have searched with no luck. I agreed to do a search Saturday afternoon.

I arrived at the house and there were 2 people in a car in front of the house, obviously searching for something. It was Nicole’s parents looking for the ring. No luck. I met Nicole and asked her to show me the possible locations that the ring might be.

She showed me the large pile of leaves. It was large. I asked to see the back yard. We walked through the gate and stopped as she explained where her husband was working. As she was explaining I looked down to see how thick the grass was, and there was the ring.

No metal detector was used and I found it in less than 1 minute. Nicole couldn’t believe it. She said everyone has looked and couldn’t found it. Her parents were amazed. It took longer for me to put my equipment into my truck than it did to find the ring.

Another happy client!


Lost Ring While Throwing a Football in Turnersville NJ

I woke up to a voicemail. A gentleman (let’s call him Stan) left a message about a lost ring. We played a little phone tag, after a few calls we were able to speak. He said he was tossing a football with his son yesterday and he saw his ring fly off of his hand. He was unable to locate it. The reason he called was to rent a metal detector. I told him that I don’t rent my machines. I told him that I provide a service and would look for his ring. He stated that this was too good to be true. I told him to visit my website so he can see that it wasn’t a scam.

I arrived at a freshly raked yard. Stan was outside waiting with several children. I asked him to walk me through what happened. He tossed a football and watched his ring fly. It was a yellow gold ring with kangaroos on it.

I started in the pile of leaves. 30 seconds in a get a good signal. move the leaves to find a piece of junk metal. The ring was not at the curb.

I moved to the grass. Stan has a sprinkler system installed. It shouldn’t be a problem. The first target is a dime signal. The second signal is a zink penny signal. The third signal is the sound and number that I was looking for. I separate the blades of grass and see a gold ring pushed down into the dirt. It looks like it was stepped on. I pulled out the ring and showed it to Stan.

He said OMG, I thought that I would never see that ring again! I got a Bro Hug! He was so happy. The ring was bought many years ago in Australia. The kids were amazed and so happy that the ring was found and returned. Smiles all around!

I found the ring in less than 10 minutes. It took me longer to drive to Stan’s then it did to make the recovery. Stan told his son that he has to take the ring off when they play catch.

I LOVE my hobby!!!


The Ocean Tried To Claim Another Wedding Ring, Ocean City NJ

I received an email early yesterday morning, from K asking about my fees to look for a lost wedding ring at the shore. I replied saying that I don’t have a fee. We sent emails back & forth getting all of the details. The only issue was I would be able to make it down till Friday, and today is Tuesday.

K’s husband R was playing in the ocean with their son in waist-deep water at high tide. As R was throwing his son into a wave, his wedding ring of 11 years went flying into the surf. K posted the incident on Facebook. One of her friends recommended me as I had found his lost ring before.

The best time to search for this ring would be at low tide, which is 11pm tonight. After some adjusting of my schedule, I traveled to Ocean City for the search on 9th st.

At 7:45 the beach was still pretty crowded. I called R and told him that I was there. He said he would come up and show me where the loss occurred. I searched for a while finding just a few coins. After a while, R approached me. I was on the wrong beach. They had entered at 9th street and went right. They were swimming at the 10th Street Life Guard stand.

R gave me the details and the general area. I did a grid pattern and came up with just a few coins. I expanded the search area, and on my 1st pass of the extended area, I had R’s ring in my scoop.

The happiness on R’s face was awesome. I got a firm handshake followed by a “bro” hug. He said he thought that this search was not going to find his ring. He had thought that it was gone forever. I said that you should probably call your wife. He said he would wait to see her reaction in person.

As we were leaving the beach K called asking about our progress. R told a white lie and said that we were still looking. When we got back to my truck, R paid for my parking, Thank You!! He asked for several business cards to spread the word. I found out that R is a 1st responder in PA, he is a police officer. I love helping other 1st responders!!


Field of Tears, Lost Engagement & Wedding Rings, Westampton NJ

Sunday I get an email from Carrie asking for assistance in finding her rings. She thinks that they were lost in Westampton Burlington County during a softball tournament. She coaches a girls team and took her rings off and put them in her pocket that she also put her phone in. Well several innings later along with calls and texts she notices that her rings are missing.

They looked all over and couldn’t find them. They drove back in the dark to look again. She thought that they were gone forever. She explained that they drag the field after every game. I am thinking to myself that this will not have a good outcome. Someone found the rings at one of the games later that day and took them to a pawn shop. They had to be on the surface. Infields are hard surfaces.

I couldn’t head up on Sunday due to a half marathon I was running in and it was pouring in the afternoon. I said that I would search on Monday after work. Carrie would have to get permission for me to search the field. Permission was secured.

My wife & I drove to the fields on Monday. We came prepared with boots that we could get muddy, and it was a good thing we did. The field was muddy and had a lot of deep puddles.

Carrie had explained where she was during her time at the field. I decided to search the grassy area 1st as I thought that would be the spot that would provide cover for the rings. Nothing, very few signals at all. They do a good job of keeping this field clean.

Next, I went to the area between the dugout and home plate. After a few iron tones, I got a good tone, Boom! The engagement ring was in the mud about 1/2 an inch down. Wow, only 15 minutes into the search and I have 1 of 2 rings. The other one has to be close by, right?

Well, 20 minutes later I’m starting to think that the dragging machine moved it very far away. I sent a message to Carrie to call me. I wanted to know if there was any other place that she could have lost the 2nd ring. I continued to search.

Another 10 minutes into the search on the 3rd base side of the field, the 1st ring was on the 1st base side. I get a good tone. Boom!! I now have the 2nd ring. It was also about a half inch down. We did the best cleaning we could do in one of the many mud puddles. We took several pictures.

We left a message on the way home, asking for a return call, not letting on that I had found the rings, As I was unloading the truck Carrie called back, Edwina was there with me. I asked Carrie if there was any other location that she could think of that the rings could be. When she ran out of ideas I told her that I had found them. She started to cry, Edwina started to cry because Carrie was crying.

We met after dinner so Carrie could get her rings back. Carrie and her husband were very happy. Another happing ending!!!


My Latest Recovery in Stone Harbor NJ

I received a desperate email from a devastated woman. I was Mary’s last hope. The day before she went with her family for a day trip to the beach in Stone Harbor NJ. While her husband in the water with their daughter, he watched his ring fall off his hand and sink into the sandy bottom. They searched for a while with no success. You can read the full story here.

Continue reading My Latest Recovery in Stone Harbor NJ Facebooktwitter

Day Trip To Stone Harbor Includes Lost Wedding Ring

Received an email at midnight, didn’t see it till the next morning after my 6-mile run. Mary informed me that her husband lost his wedding ring in the surf at Stone Harbor. They were only down for the day and are back home in Central NJ. I immediately responded to the email and called. Mary gave me more details but she said that someone was looking for the ring already. She told me who and I said if she needed me to call me back.

I called the other detectorist, and he informed me that he didn’t have any luck. I called Mary back and told her that I would give it a try. I asked her a ton of questions. When trying to find lost items you need to be a detective.

On the drive down I had a gut feeling that this wasn’t going to be successful. I got to the beach earlier than anticipated. The lifeguards were still on duty and would give me issues about being in the water not in the swim zone. I walked up to the access ramp and surveyed the area. Another overwhelming feeling that this wasn’t going to go well. There was a wedding on the beach 1 block south.

I went back to my vehicle to wait out the lifeguards. While waiting I talked to my mom and my mentor (Diane Toogood), asking for help from above. I also pulled up the Ring Finders site and looked at some recent successful recoveries, to get me in a better mental zone.

At 5 pm the lifeguards left the beach. I entered the water, no sounds. The other detectorist did a great job of cleaning out all of the other targets.

At 5:10 I get a great sounding tone, dig down. Rinse out the sand. Look in the scoop to find the ring that I was looking for, 10 minutes. I left the beach to get my phone. I took a few pictures and sent Mary one of them. Boy was I excited, full of energy. I thanked my mom & Dianne multiple times!!

She called me right back, sounding like she was choked up. She said that it looked like the ring, then told me the inscription that was inside. It matched. We made arrangement to me the following day. It was a GREAT ride home, I didn’t care how much traffic there was!!

I get more hugs from making recoveries. The ring is now back on her husband’s hand!




I recently received a desperate plea to help search for a lost engagement ring.

It’s a good thing that I had made arrangements 2 weeks earlier. I recently had surgery and could not complete the search. I made arrangements with fellow metal detectorist Ed to handle any calls that I receive while on the recovery trail.

I took the information from Derrick and gave Ed a call. Ed was able to go out and search that day. He said it took all of 10 minutes to find the ring that was missing for more than 24 hours. This recovery was made in Lumberton NJ.

Teamwork made this recovery happen.

This is the season that calls for lost items increases immensely, especially since I am near the beaches of NJ. If you lose something, try to get the GPS Coordinates from your cell phone. This will greatly increase the chances of making a recovery. If you can’t get GPS numbers, mark the area with immovable items, or take pictures of the surrounding area.

Then call me with the information. 707-706-3626Facebooktwitter

The Power of Social Media

lost Ring CHMall

Its always nice to see the media have a story about lost items being returned!!

A woman lost her ring in the Cherry Hill Mall (NJ) during the Christmas shopping season. She was distraught.

Her son posted the lost on Craig’s List and other social media sites. The posts went viral.

One of the people who I found a ring for, sent me a message on the lost ring to see if I could help. I don’t think that security would let me in the mall with my equipment (LOL).

This story has a happy ending. The ring was returned. Turns out the lady who lost the ring lives in Philadelphia. The person who found it lives only a few blocks away from the lady who lost the ring.

To see the FULL story and news video click here:

Lost Ring ReturnedFacebooktwitter

Beautiful Flowers August 29, 2015

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Beautiful Flowers…

I received a call earlier in the week from Rob, asking if I was the guy who finds lost rings. I told him that I was and asked how I could help. He said that there are 2 missing rings in front of his residence in the flower bed.

He was out of town on business until the weekend, so we planned to meet up on Saturday morning. I assumed that they lost them while planting the flowers. So it should be an easy find.

I arrived and met Rob. I asked him to show me where he thought that they were. I asked him how long ago that the flowers were planted and about how deep were the holes when they planted them.

He said they were lost about a week ago during an argument and were thrown there. Well there ya go you know what happens when you assume. They spent a couple of hours looking for them with flashlights.

I asked where she was standing when she threw them. He said that he threw them. There ya go another assumption! He showed me the direction. I went back to my truck to get my equipment.

I had to fight the sounds from the sprinkler system in the ground. After about 20 minutes I got a good repeatable signal. Looked through the flowers and found the wedding band. Rob was amazed.

We were now looking for the engagement ring. I continued with my machine and Rob then jumped into the flower bed and started hand searching the bushes. He said that he thought one went farther then the other and that one made it to the bushes.

After about 10 more minutes I hear Rob Shout, “I got it!!” And there it was. A few high fives were thrown. He stated you saved my life!

I took a few pictures and gave him my business card just in-case there was a need in the future. He was a happy man… My wife said after I got home was “I knew it! I knew they were thrown!”

I have responded to so many lost rings because they were thrown in the heat of the moment. Call me 1st, I’ll take the ring off of your hands and save the time for a search later…


Beach Chair Trouble… (August 5, 2015)

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Last night while taking a long walk on the beach with my wife, I got a call from fellow jewelry recovery expert Edward Cropski. He received a call about a lost ring. He was unable to come down to the beach to search. He knew I was in Ocean City, so he called me to see if I was available. He gave me the number for Chris.

I called Chris. He said while on the beach today he took his ring off before he went into the water with his kids. He put it in the cup holder of his chair. After swimming they went home for the evening. He remembers flipping his chair over to shake the sand off.

When he got back to where he was staying, he remembered about his ring. He immediately went to the internet to search for help.

He was glad that I called. I told him it would take me about 30 minutes to meet him where he thought he lost it. We only hoped that another person detecting the beach didn’t already find it. The beach he was on is heavily detected.

As I approached Chris & his wife and son, there was another guy in the area with a detector searching the sand.

Chris showed me the area he was in and where he thought that his chair was. I started to search. I thought to my self this should be easy because it was a small area.

I searched the area and came up with 6 bottle caps and 5 pull tabs along with some other junk. Only 1 penny was in the area. Chris’ wife thought that the ring was gone forever.

I expanded the area the Chris thought that he was in. About 2 minutes later I got a good tone & ID number on my machine. It was his ring. When I showed it to them the looks on their faces was priceless. Chris’ wife just stood there with her mouth open in shock.

Chris told me that this was his dad’s ring. His dad died of cancer in 1989. He also said that this was the 4th time he lost the ring.

The 1st time was went he was fishing in a stream. He went to wash his hands in the water, the ring fell off. He grabbed as much of the bottom that he could and found the ring in the muck. The 2nd time was was spreading mulch in his yard. He once again was able to find it. The 3rd time was in Puerto Rico swimming in a pool. He had management clear the pool and searched and found it.

He swears and so does his wife that he will never wear it near water again. He hugged me and shook my hand several times.
Another missing ring returned…


Bugged In The backyard (August 8, 2015)


OK, I’m home from vacation unpacking & cleaning my metal detectors, and I get a phone call from Kate. She says that her husband was in the backyard watering the flowers when he lost his wedding ring.

I ask the usual questions when was it lost? Today Is there any metal fencing around? No Has anyone else looked? No. She said it was lost a few hours ago, they believe that it is in the neighbors yard, but its un-kept. They live in Philly. The thought about renting a detector and while searching for detectors my site came up.
I looked up the address and said that I could be there in 45 minutes. She said make sure you come prepared, there are a lot of mosquitoes.

After searching for a parking spot for about 20 minutes I found one about a block away. I took 1 detector with me and walked to their house. I met Brett at the door. He showed me out back and where he was. He said he was watering the plants when a mosquito buzzed by his ear. He swatted at the bug an his ring flew off. He didn’t hear it land so it had to be in the neighbors yard. His yard is covered by a wooded deck.

The neighbors yard was a mess. It hasn’t been taken care of in years. The only way in was to climb over a 5 foot cement wall. Brett said that the neighbor game him permission to search, but he had to figure out how to get in & out.

The bugs were worse than I imagined. I had to go back to my truck and get a send detector with a smaller coil because of all of the trash. I also put on a long sleeve shirt and a hat that not only covers my head but mu neck too.

With the assistance of a step stool I was able to get into the yard, not sure how I was going to get out because it was much higher on this side. There were so many metal items in this yard my hopes were very low.

I decided to look around 1st. There was no grass, but plenty of weeds and 3-4 foot saplings. Weeds with sticker balls and the like. I searched for about 15 minutes just by looking. Moving the plants & saplings. I was just about to gram a detector when I saw the ring.

It was a beautiful tri-colored gold ring. White gold, yellow gold & rose gold. Brett said when he was looking for rings for the wedding he just couldn’t find one he liked. He told his dad the the only ring here really likes is the one his father wore. His dad without hesitation gave him his ring. So there was a huge sentimental attachment.

I found a milk crate to give me a little height to try to climb out of the yard. It was just enough for me to pull myself up and get over the wall.

We went into the house & took some pictures. I’m not sure if I would have found it with a detector, even with a 3 inch coil to get through the trash. I guess I am getting pretty good at this treasure hunting thing!!


Out In The Snow (January 11, 2003)


Jan 6th 2003 I received the following email:

I am in a horrible jam. I lost my wedding band between my house and my car….I looked for hours and I cant seem to find it. I wonder if some one from your group could possibly help me find it…. I can’t offer much but I would be happy to give 50 bucks. I know this is not much but we just got married and still kind of hard to make ends meet. I live in Stratford NJ ….if you could possible help me or maybe point me to some how could….

I contacted this person and planned to meet the next day. Around 930 am in 20 degree F temp and snow on the ground we met. I knew he didn’t trust me because he wanted to follow me all around. I asked the usual questions, when, where and how do you think you lost it. He said he was late for work and ran out of the house.

He said he felt the ring coming off his finger while he was running from his house to his car, so he closed his fist to keep the ring on. When he got to the car the ring was gone. He said it was white gold. He showed me his path of travel. I told him I would do a grid pattern of the whole front yard.

I search up & down finding everything under the sun except the ring. He was questioning all of the target registering on my XLT. I was trying to explain the different targets, like this is probably a penny at 6 inches. I could see the skepticism in his face.

No ring in that direction, so I said I will do the same thing going back and forth. Still no ring. I told him I would try a different coil. He said he had to go make a few phone calls. So I went to my car to switch coils from my 6 inch to the 10 inch coil.

At this point I was there for about an hour and even though I had gloves on my hands were frozen. So I was attaching the new coil when I looked down and saw the ring sitting there so nice and pretty. It was sitting less than 2 inches from a sewer pipe (no wonder my XLT didn’t find it). So I picked it up and put it on my finger.

I knocked on the door and held my finger up. You would not believe the look on his face!! I showed him where I found it, there was still a depression in the snow where it was located. I explained why the machine didn’t find it. I had a smile on my face the rest of the day.

Dave MilstedFacebooktwitter

Playing On The Beach (July 31, 2012)


I received a call from Tim in Upstate NY on a Wednesday. He was very upset. He had lost his ring, the day before while on vacation in Stone Harbor NJ, while he playing in the surf. He had tried looking for it but he feared that is was gone.

I couldn’t look for it till the following Sunday. I asked him several questions and he knew the answers to them all. He was very prepared and knew where he lost the ring.

I started searching at 5:30 am that Sunday. There were very few targets on the beach. I was fearing the worst, that someone else had already found the ring. By 7:30 I only had found 6 targets, 2 coins and 4 pieces of trash. I was ready to give up. I said to myself a couple more passes then I can leave. At 8 am I had a good tone, scooped it up and low and behold I had Tim’s ring. I left the beach and got ready to drive home and the song on the radio was “Whoop There It Is”.

When I got home I called Tim. He couldn’t believe that I found it. He made arrangements to drive down and pick it up that Tuesday. He even brought
his wedding album to show my wife and I. He was so happy to get his ring back. Even though I told him a reward was not necessary, he left one.

Below is Tim’s story:

We were having a great week on vacation at the beach in Stone Harbor.  The temperature (weather and water) were just perfect , but the surf was a bit rough.  On Tuesday I went for a swim right about high tide and then I went back to our “camp” to dry off and immediately realized that I had lost my wedding ring in the water!  I knew exactly where I had been swimming but searched and was unable to find it.  I was very disappointed to say the least but still continued to look into the next day hoping the tide would wash it up, but no luck.  I thought I would never see it again.

The next morning we had to take my daughter to urgent care because she was running a fever (she’s fine).   On the way back she fell asleep in the car and I stopped to pick up some lunch.   While I was gone my wife got bored in the car and started searching the internet on her phone to see if anyone had posted a ring under the “lost+found” on Craiglist.

She stumbled upon this story , which ultimately led to us contacting Dave to see if he could help us find the ring.  We were skeptical but he said he could look for the ring but not until the next Sunday (we came back home to NY on Saturday).  On Sunday AM he called to tell us he had located the ring!  We were amazed, it was buried several inches in the sand right where I said I lost it, 6 days earlier.  Dave sent a email with the picture to confirm it was in fact the ring!   I drove back down to Jersey the following Tuesday to retrieve the ring.  We are very happy to have it back and still in disbelief!

Lessons learned:

1-Leave your rings at home

2-Looking for a ring in the ocean is NOT like looking for a needle
in the haystack:)

3-Google DOES have all the answers

4-Dave is amazing, thanks so much!Facebooktwitter

Lost Family Heirloom… (August 6, 2010)


On August 4th 2010 I answered an ad on Craig’s List for a missing ring in the surf at Stone Harbor. The ring was a family heir loom. dating back over 100 years. We exchanged a few emails and I said I would give it a try.

I arrived at the beach at 5:30 am the next morning. The tide was high and the water had dropped at least 10 degrees. Good thing I wore my wetsuit.

I started at the life guard stands working a grid pattern to the north. There were very few signals. about 50 feet out there was a drop off and moguls of sand. I was getting a bad feeling about not finding this one.

There was another gentleman hunting the dry & wet sand. He came over to me and told me about the missing ring. I told him I saw the ad on Craig’s List. He had spoken to the guys wife and got a slightly different story. This widened the search area. Not good. He said he searched last night and was trying again this morning. This explains the lack of signals. He explained he had to leave soon but would try again in the evening.

It was getting late, and people were arriving at the beach. It was almost 9 am and the life guards were bringing out their boats. I was ready to give up. I was almost 2 blocks away from my starting point and area the guy Tim said he lost the ring. I got a nice deep tone and was praying to Davey Jones that this was the ring. It was, a very large mans gold ring. Wahoooo!!! I put it in my pouch and left the beach.

When I got back to the beach house, I sent Tim an email saying I found the ring. The only this was the date on the inside of the ring was different than what he posted. Boy this could get Tim in big trouble.

We played phone tag for most of the day. When we did speak we arranged to meet in the evening so the ring could be reunited with its owner. Tim and his wife arrived around 7:30 pm. They are a very nice couple from Baltimore. We took some pictures and Tim gave me a very nice reward. He was so happy to have the ring back that his great grandfather, grandfather and father have worn. He will not be wearing it in the water anymore!!

Below is a note from Tim:

Dear Dave, August 7, 2010

You are truly amazing!!! Here’s my story for any of you naysayers out there………

I had been swimming in the late afternoon with my nephews in the ocean off of 103rd Street in Stone Harbor N.J.. It wasn’t until that evening when I looked down at my hand before dinner that I noticed my wedding ring was gone!!!! It wasn’t just my wedding ring, mind you, it was also an heirloom that had been in my family for over a hundred years. Originally, it was a signet ring that had been my great-grandfather’s, my grandfather’s, and my father’s. All of them had been named Lawrence P. Naylor (LPN Sr., Jr., and the III). When I was married I decided to have it double as my wedding ring because I didn’t want to wear two rings. My wife and I had our initials and our wedding date engraved on the inside. We had just had our twentieth anniversary last fall.

Well, I was despondent to say the least. I knew it had fallen off in the water. Just for the record, I had always worn it in the ocean, but the water had been unusually cold and I recently lost a little weight so I assumed it slipped off while I was rough-housing with the kids. At any rate, it was in the surf, probably fifty or more feet out, and I was sure it was gone for good. We did go to the beach that evening before dark, but the water wasn’t clear beyond six inches or so. Except for a few shells, there was nothing. I had heard those stories about rings washing up the next day with the tide but didn’t hold out much hope.

The next morning, after spending about half an hour searching the shore we decided to mention it to the lifeguards who were just coming on duty. One of them suggested the “lost and found” section on Craigslist. Yeah, I knew it would be a waste of time but figured I could sleep a little better knowing I had tried everything. I posted a note about a lost ring in Stone Harbor. It seemed to be within minutes that I got a response from a guy whose address was I was curious, and desperate, so I went ahead and opened his response. He seemed genuinely concerned and asked for any specifics such as when, and exactly where I was when the ring came off, so he could consider the tides etc. He said he wasn’t sure he could get there right away, but he would try. This guy was serious, he even had a website. After a few back-and-forths, I thanked him for his interest and crossed my fingers. I knew it was going to be a waste of his time, but I really did appreciate the fact that he, and a few others by the way, who had also seen the Craigslist ad, showed real interest. One respondent said she would try, but it might be a few weeks at best until she could get down to Stone Harbor. This was all around noon on the day after the evening when I realized the ring was gone. We went swimming later that afternoon and noticed a real northward under-tow around our feet. Now I knew the ring was Poseidon’s forever!

The next day, around noon, I checked my e-mail. I still can’t believe what it said!!!! Dave had found my ring, more or less right where I had said it should be, in chest-deep water!!! He had shown up at about 5:00 in the morning and spent three hours searching before he found it. I will never be able to truly comprehend how he actually did it. Yes he did have a fancy, totally submersible detector, but he was looking in an area of about forty Olympic swimming pools, with surf and current to boot! Yeah, life would have gone on without that ring, but Dave saved me from a lot of regret over the years. Thanks a million! –
​Tim NaylorFacebooktwitter

A Private Beach (July 11, 2008)



I just wanted to formally thank you for the great job you did finding my platinum wedding band. The ring was lost on 100 sq yds of beach for 6 weeks but thanks to your persistence you were able to find it in only an hour.

Losing that ring was a difficult experience due to it’s cost and intrinsic value but thanks to the professionalism you showed during our correspondence and the search process, I knew that I was in good hands. I’m attaching the photo that we took right after the ring was found.

Thanks again for your help.

Good luck in your future treasure hunts!

Troy Kelley
Little Silver, NJFacebooktwitter

Playing Catch In The Ocean (August 21, 2013)

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Saw an ad on Craig’s List about a missing wedding ring on the beach in Ocean City. I responded and informed the person that they should remove the post immediately. There are way too many dishonest people around, and the post gave way too much information, including GPS coordinates to the spot. All of our contact was through a Craig’s List email address.

Kate explained that her husband was playing ball at high tide and he felt his ring come off while in the surf. Her day had an app on his phone so the recorded the GPS coordinates. I explained that I would head down the next day at Low tide and give it a shot, but with the information she posted it was probably already found.

I took the hour drive down to the beach with a GPS unit and my detector. I went to the coordinates and marked an X in the sand, the area was dry at low tide. I started a spiral pattern. About 20 feet from the X I had the ring. The inscription matched “09/10/11”. It was only days away from the 2nd anniversary.

I got home and tried to send Kate an email saying that I found the ring, but the email was returned. ‘s What I found out was when you cancel your Craig’s List ad the email expires. Oh boy I have no way to contact her. I tried contacting someone from Craig’s List but got no response. So I posted my own ad stating Kate I found your ring. By now their anniversary had passed.

I waited for weeks, no response. By now their anniversary had passed. I wasn’t ready to give up so I posted it again. Still nothing. My wife wanted me to give up. I said I will post one more time.

About a week later I received a message from a number I didn’t know. It said did you really find my husband’s ring? I wanted to know who this was and how they got my number. She explained who she was and that I had given her my number in one of our emails. She said she was thinking about the ring and was looking on Craig’s List and saw my post. I asked her where we could me to return the ring. Her & her husband live in Boston. They were in Ocean City for vacation when it was lost.

She called her dad and we made arrangements to meet in Phila the following weekend. I met her dad and he said He will keep the ring safe until Thanksgiving when Kate will be down to visit.

A lot of hard work went into returning this ring…


Playing in the Surf (August 8, 2013)

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Made contact with a gentleman who said he lost his wedding band over 2 weeks ago while on the beach. He said the surf was rough and he lost it when it was near high tide at the top of the slope.  I said I would look for it but didn’t have much faith because I know that beach gets pounded with many detectors.

I went out at 4 am the next morning. I could see there was someone else with a detector in the area. It was low tide. 20 minutes into the hunt my detector broke. I had to return to my car and drive back to our rental and get another detector. This isn’t a good sign.

I return to the beach and now there are 3 people with detectors in the area. I start a grid pattern, up & back, up and back. At 6:15 am I am worried about time. Adam & I are schedule to go fishing at 8a. I decide I am going to start gridding north & south instead of east to west. At 6:45 I am ready to leave, when I get a good signal. On this detector all metals sound the same so I have no idea what is under the sand.

I look in my scoop and see a gold wedding band. Can this be the ring that I am looking for? When I get back to our place I confirm the inscription, it’s the ring. Wahoo another return!

We made arrangements to meet a few weeks later, since they weren’t from the area. They were so Happy to get their wedding ring returned.


Custom Wedding Band Lost in the Marina (September 9 2013)

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I received a call from John asking if I could help him find his custom made wedding ring. He said he had lost it a few weeks ago in the water. I asked John to give me some more details. He said he was washing his boat with a car wash mitt on his hand. The mitt came off and when he retrieved the mitt and picked it up he saw his ring fall out of it and sink into the bay.

I started asking a lot of questions, the main one being how deep is the water? John’s reply was 4 foot at low tide. I agreed to make the hour drive the following Sunday to meet him at low tide.
I got to the marina about a half an hour before low tide. Yes it was 4 feet deep to the muck, the muck was about another foot. I got into my wetsuit and got into the water. He pointed to the area the ring fell.
Within 2 minutes I had a solid signal. I thought wow this is great, a nice QUICK find I’ll be back home in time to watch the Opening Kickoff of the NFL Season. The muck was so thick in my scoop we need a hose to see what was in it. I had a “Stinkin Lincoln” a penny. I continued the hunt.
The area was quite, not much metal. I had to have John move his boat to broaden the search area. In the next hour and a half I had found 1 penny, 1 Miller Lite can and 4 little washers.
I was getting frustrated and so was John. The tide was coming in and was up to my neck while standing on my tippy toes. John then tells me that he might have moved the ring. He said for the 4 nights after he lost the ring he was in the water with a shrimp net trying to find the ring.
I said I am running out of time and need to get out because of the incoming tide, and I don’t scuba dive. But I want to check this one little area. 2 minutes later I had the ring. What a beautiful gold ring it is.
John was so happy, the look on his face was priceless! I was pumped, great adrenaline rush for an adrenaline junkie!! The people on the dock and the boat next to John’s were amazed that I had found it. They all thought that Davey Jones was now owner of the ring.
John said he will not wear it again until he gets it re-sized.

Below are some words from John:
On August 31st 2012 I was cleaning my boat after a day of reef fishing in OC N.J.
I lost my custom made wedding ring when my hand hit the rub rail. After a week
of searching myself a friend told me about Dave Milsted the ring finder. I
called Dave and set a date for Sept 9 2012 at low tide. Dave showed up on time
and worked very hard for two hours as the tide was rising quickly. Dave found
my priceless ring. I cannot thank him enough.

Best Regards
John R
O.C. N.JFacebooktwitter

Lost Wedding Band

To Dave and Larry,
To lose my wedding band in the Ocean on the 10th street beach in Ocean City, N.J. was devastating. If it was in the sand on the beach, I would have held onto a shred of hope, but not in waist deep water during the height of the tourist season! The only people to ask “what to do?” were the lifeguards. They referred me to the South Jersey Metal Detecting Club. We had a laptop with us so we went back to the house and shot you guys an email. You replied instantly with some questions, and it gave me hope of retrieving my wedding band 2 weeks before our 10th Anniversary! A week or so went by and I figured it was time to be realistic. Then came the phone call from Larry! He had found my ring! Under water amidst the crowds of swimmers and boogie boarders, he found my ring! He mentioned it to the lifeguards and they remembered me and my family and told him he may know whose ring it is. I described it to him and I couldn’t believe it! Dave, you and Larry and the rest of your club that enjoy searching and reuniting people with such sentimental objects such as wedding bands are beyond a shadow of a doubt some of the classiest guys I have ever had the privelege to know. Thank you for all that you have done! Thank you from my wife as well. Meeting you guys on that same beach was quite poetic and a real pleasure! I will NEVER forget what you guys have done for me! You’re going on the Christmas card list, but I’ll bury yours on the beach somewhere around Thanksgiving and give you another “heads up”!! Just kidding, ha-ha! Thanks again for everything Guys!!

Jeffrey W. Richardson
Audubon, PAFacebooktwitter

Weekend At The Shore (My 1st Recovery)


My parents took my 2 kids away to Canada for a long weekend. It just so happened to be my weekend off, so me & the Mrs. headed for Ocean City NJ. We found a nice place to stay Fri & Sat nite, 1 block from the beach. So we headed down early Fri morning. Stopped at Atlantic City on the way down to catch the Titanic Exhibit. Wow some really nice jewelry there. Sure wish I could find something like that.
The life guards leave OC beaches at 5pm on Fridays, so guess who was on the beach at 501pm. I took my XLT because low tide was earlier in the day, so I decided just to do the dry sand for now. No sooner did I step on the sand and turn on my XLT, I was approached by a crying 12 y/o girl. She asked me if I had found anything today. I explained that I just got here, and asked here what she lost. She explained that she lost a silver chain and a charm of St. Mary. I asked her if she had an idea of where it might be. She said yes. She had taken it off and put it on her towel, so she wouldn’t lose it in the water. Well she forgot that she did this and when it was time to leave she lifted her towel and shook all the sand of it. Oooopppppps.
I followed her to the spot. Searching in the sand were her mom, dad, sister and friends. I started to work a grid pattern. Boy the people who visit NJ beaches are SLOBS!! I found a ton of trash and 12 cents. We started to draw a crowd. After about 30 minutes the family thought I would never find it. They were going to leave the beach. I told the dad to give me the address of the place they were staying and leave a phone number. I told them I was only going to be there for 2 nights, they were leaving the next day. He did so, but I could see it in all their faces, they thought they would never see me or the necklace again. He offered me $5 for searching. I declined.
After they left I enlarged the search area. About 10 minutes after they left, guess what I found!!! If St. Mary wasn’t attached, I would have never found this chain. It was so thin!! Well I ran over to my wife and showed her. We left the beach, got changed and went to the boardwalk to make the phone call to meet up with the family. Darn, no-one home just and answering machine. I left my pager number.
The Mrs. & me were starving, so we decided to head to Mack’s & Manco Pizza on the boardwalk. Just as we were entering the building, I was approached by a man. He wanted to thank me for searching for the chain, it was the dad. I could only recognize him by his shirt. I said, we just called & left a message, as I pulled out the chain from my wallet. Well the girl was ready to cry again. Everybody was happy. They couldn’t believe I found it. We traded names, and phone numbers. I told them I might do a small article for one of the hobby magazines. We took a few pictures. The chain was from the girls 1st Holy Communion. She won’t be wearing it to the beach again!! Boy never had such a good feeling. This was my 1st returned item!!!Facebooktwitter

Strange Request…

Tomorrow I am heading out to a private dwelling to search the yard for a lost ring. The owner states she took her ring off in the house to wash her hands. It fell to the floor and the dog ate it. They have checked the dog’s poop but have come up empty. When the dog ate it a few weeks ago there was a lot of rain. They feel that they may have missed checking a few piles.

Hopefully I will have success with my metal detectors. Looking at Google Maps it is not a large yard. The issue I will have is there is a metal fence surrounding the yard. Hoping my Minelab CTX3030 with be able to sort out the signals.

Update: I did not find the ring after searching for 1.5 hours. The women did notify me a few weeks later that they found the ring under the oven. It fell down a small hole in the floor boards. Facebooktwitter