My wife got a request for my services from a friend of hers from the gym. It seems that George takes care of several feral cat colonies. On Tuesday when he got home he noticed his wedding ring of 49 years was missing. He checked his gloves, car & trunk. No luck.
We made arrangements to meet Thursday, in the afternoon to start the search, We met and he showed me his routine. We emptied food bowls to make sure it was not mixed in with the chow. We checked the water bowls and supply box. Next, I used one of my detectors, a Minelab Equinox with a very small coil. There are a lot of metal items in the area.The ring was not found, off to stop 2.
At the 2nd stop, George again showed me his routine. We checked the bowls and the supply box, nothing. He said he did throw some trash in the nearby dumpster. My heart sank. We opened the dumpster lid and it had been emptied. As I was searching the area with my detector, I questioned George about the check of his car and the gloves he wore that day. He said I could check his car if I wanted to. He is currently wearing the gloves he used on Tuesday, and there is no ring in them.
I finished searching the area with the metal detector with no luck. I moved to George’s car. I looked in the back seat, nothing. I then went to look under the driver’s seat, and there was his white gold wedding ring. He couldn’t believe it was there after he had looked.
The smile on his face was awesome. He said that his wife told him that the ring wouldn’t be found. This upcoming year will be their 50th Anniversary. Christmas came a few days early for George!
I love my hobby!!