Dear Dave,
Thank You so very very much ! 🙂 “You” are “The Man” !! Without your kindness and understanding, as well as, your thoughtfulness, caring and love of metal detecting that ring would have been history! 🙁 I wrote a little blurb in the Capemaytimes.com “forum” webpage section under vacation tips requesting any help finding that ring before I found you.
That area of the beach was probably not very “used” since I left from my vacation. It is a bit away from the concession stands and such. No one to date has answered that “help” request. Maybe, someone nearby read it and went to hunt for the ring but came up empty. Luckily for us, you didn’t!
When you told me you were going to search for the ring, I broke down and told my girfriend (Beth) since she was still quite upset about it. It gave her hope and the knowledge that I wasn’t going to give up on finding it somehow. Besides, there’s no way I could really wait until Christmas to return it to her. I would have no problem driving to your house or somewhere nearby if you would feel more comfortable that way to pick up the ring. I don’t want to take any chances loosing it once again (mailing it/etc.); besides, I want to thank you in person. After all, you went out of your way, spent time, money on gas etc. You are a lifesaver!
I would “really” like to get it Saturday if at all possible. I work 2nd shift so I wouldn’t be able to be up, awake and ready to drive there until 11a.m. at the earliest. I look forward so much from hearing from you I hope I can sleep some tonight! I best go and leave a message for Beth !
Thank you again, Dave. Sincerely, Jack
Dear Dave, Beth and I figured that the money was a fair days pay for a job “well done”; although, we wish we could have done more for you. We’re happy you’re pleased with it. Although you didn’t see Beth cry when you returned her ring, she did on the way home. She is very thankful she has it back. Thanks again for all you did.
There’s not many people in this world that would have taken the time nor the trip to search for a ring that a stranger from the internet lost. Most sincerely, Jack
ps: although you were “The Man” for finding her ring ….”I” reaped the benefits! 😉