I received an email from Katelyn asking for help in finding her husband’s wedding ring. They recently moved, and Mike was working on clearing out branches & vines in the backyard near a creek. It seems like Mike is a repeat offender. In January of 2022, I found his ring after making snow angels with his kids. We set up a time and date to search.
I showed up in a snowstorm, the biggest storm since the snow angel adventure 2 years ago. It was early in the morning. Katelyn showed me the area Mike was working in. He was on both sides of the creek. At least it would be easy to see where I searched with a fresh 2 inches of snow on the ground and still accumulating.
UI started searching. Right off the bat, I found 3 really old, crushed Pepsi cans. Oh boy, a party area. I thought there would be hardly any targets here. I decided to start with the easy parts first, as there were piles of cut branches & vines that I would have to move at some point.
Nothing was on this side of the creek, so I crossed the water. 2 minutes later, I had a gold tone. Digin down the new snow and an inch of ice from an early-in-the-week storm, about a half an inch under leaves was Mike’s ring. I really like this ring, it is a beautiful rose color gold. Total time: 15 minutes.
When I walked back up the hill, Katelyn and the kids were playing in the snow. The look on her face was priceless when I showed her the ring. I gave her a refrigerator magnet to place on the new frig so they would have my number handy for the next time.
I Love My Hobby!!