He wanted to know when I could get there. I told him that I had to work the next 2 days so Wednesday would be the earliest. He asked if there was anyway I could come out later that night. His wife was very worried about someone finding the keys and having access to the house and/or cars. Paul said that he was out right now but would be home around 8pm.
I met Paul at his house in Haddonfield at 8pm. It was a corner house with a lot of sidewalk area. I got a really bad sinking feeling. This was going to take me all night. Paul showed me the property. He explained that he started shoveling the driveway and then the rest of the yard. It took him hours.
I went back to my truck to get my Minelab CTX 3030 with a 12 inch coil. I told him that I would start here near my truck and then move on. Did I mention that I would be walking thought this 22 inches of snow while searching? In most spots it was deeper because of the shoveling. I was beat already from shoveling my yard, my in-laws, my dad’s house & my brothers. Over 5 hours of shoveling (our snow blower had broke). I really didn’t want to be here.
About 5 minutes into the search I got my 1st signal. I dug down with my gloved hands and it was a miracle, I had his key in my hand!! I shouted over to Paul and said “I got them!!” He yelled OMG I can’t believe it. He must have said that 10 times. Paul said that his wife will be greatly relieved that no strangers will be finding the keys.
It took me longer to find a parking spot than it did to find his keys. When I got home my wife asked if I gave up because it was to deep. I said no, that I had found them already. She said that I was only gone 15 minutes. I didn’t even miss a quarter of the NFL Playoff game that I had been watching.
I settled down and watched the rest of the game with a Coney Island Hard Rootbeer. Another successful search. I was very happy that it was so short.