Janet sent me an email asking if I could help her. About 6 months ago she lost a family heirloom ring that was her grandmothers’ wedding ring while gardening. I followed up with a lot of questions: do you have an idea where you lost it? What is the ring made of? Are there any metal items in the search area? And many more. She mentioned that she lost another ring about 20 years ago, while gardening.
A few weeks passed as our schedules didn’t line up. I traveled to Howel Twp NJ on a very humid Sunday afternoon. Janet showed me the area where she thought she lost the ring 20 years ago, then directed me to the area she lost the most recent ring.
I started in the area where she thought the ring was lost 20 years ago. There are a lot of metal items in the ground here. Mostly iron objects. I searched for an hour with no luck. I will have to return for another try.
I moved to the second area for the most recent loss. There aren’t as many targets in this area. About 30 minutes in I got a good signal. About 2 inches deep was the ring I was looking for. Janet had just come out to check on my progress while I was digging up the target. She was amazed that I found it. She had tried using a metal detector and said it was constantly beeping. The look on her face when I handed her, her grandmother’s ring was priceless. I was surprised how deep the ring was in the ground in only 6 months. The ring was dirty so I told her to use a little toothpaste and a brush.
I was feeling good, so I went back to the first location to try a smaller coil to try to snipe the other ring in between all of the iron targets. I gave it an additional 30 minutes with no luck. I was hot & soaking wet. Time to rehydrate and make the 1-hour drive home.
Janet was very happy to have the family heirloom ring back on her hand. All cleaned and shiny!
I love my hobby!