I got a call Dec 9, 2013 from a man who said he lost his gold wedding ring in the snow yesterday (6-8 inches of fluffy white stuff). I told him that I would love to help but my truck was in the shop. I said I could come tomorrow. He said he had to work all day. I told him that I would come up tonight around 6pm, a night hunt…
When I arrived we went over the details of what he could remember. He took his new bride, from India, out to play in her 1st snow that she has ever seen. They were just married in May in India. He was taking pictures and they were having fun playing in the snow. Snow angles and all.
He said they stopped in like 4 areas to take pictures. He had the ring on at the first stop and it was gone at the last stop, noticed by reviewing the pictures. He didn’t realize till this morning that the ring was gone. The whole walk might have been 3/4 of a mile.
I went and got my machine. We started in the area that they took the 1st set of pictures. I quickly got a signal that was in the gold range on my machine. I kicked the snow aside, and you could see he was very excited. We didn’t see any gold & I had to explain the machine will make a lot of sounds during our hunt.
I continued on and then doubled back, starting a small grid pattern. Within 2 minutes we had another promising sound. I kicked the snow aside and we both saw gold. A total of five minutes of detecting & we had the ring. The look on his face was priceless. He couldn’t believe it. He said that he thought the ring was gone forever.
We went back to his apartment & he invited me in to look at the pictures he took yesterday. I am glad that I was able to find his ring. I wasn’t very confident after hearing how far of a walk they took. But by playing detective and starting where he knew he had the ring paid off!!