I recently received a desperate plea to help search for a lost engagement ring.
It’s a good thing that I had made arrangements 2 weeks earlier. I recently had surgery and could not complete the search. I made arrangements with fellow metal detectorist Ed to handle any calls that I receive while on the recovery trail.
I took the information from Derrick and gave Ed a call. Ed was able to go out and search that day. He said it took all of 10 minutes to find the ring that was missing for more than 24 hours. This recovery was made in Lumberton NJ.
Teamwork made this recovery happen.
This is the season that calls for lost items increases immensely, especially since I am near the beaches of NJ. If you lose something, try to get the GPS Coordinates from your cell phone. This will greatly increase the chances of making a recovery. If you can’t get GPS numbers, mark the area with immovable items, or take pictures of the surrounding area.
Then call me with the information. 707-706-3626