When you go out with a metal detector to search, you never know what you might find. What am I going to find today? That is the first question I ask myself before going on a hunt. The story summary below is not about me; it is about a fellow detectorist across the pond. Read the full story here.
In June 2020, Hartlepool resident Shaun Cameron discovered a Second World War mortar round on Seaton Carew beach. Initially mistaking it for a rusty pipe, he uncovered its true nature upon closer inspection. Cameron promptly alerted the police, leading to the beach’s temporary closure. The Royal Logistics Bomb Disposal team determined the mortar was inactive and safely removed it. Cameron, a member of the North East Searchers metal detecting group, typically searches farmland but had been exploring local beaches more frequently due to restrictions on large gatherings. His previous discoveries include coins from the 1100s and a Saxon burial site.
I love my Hobby!!

Wow! Very cool! I bet you would love to metal detect overseas!