Customer service. Something that is hard to find these days. Usually, you just get lip service.
I recently had plans to go metal detecting at two different places in one day. I wanted to use my new detector but need a special piece of equipment to use it. I reached out to my local metal detector dealer, Joe DeMarco of DeMarco Detector Sales, where I buy all of my detectors and other treasure hunting supplies, to see if he had what I needed. Unfortunately, he did not, but neither does anyone else on the east coast.
Joe said he would see what he could do. He would be at the second spot that I planned to detect later that day. This discussion took place three days before the day we were planning to detect.
I arrive early at my first spot, and who is there waiting for me? That right you guessed it, Joe. He found someone who had the equipment I needed and let me borrow it for the day. Joe went out of his way to make sure I was able to use my newest detector. This spot was 30 minutes farther than he was planning to go detecting.
Joe stayed and detected with me. I believe because of his actions that morning karma played a role in Joe finding the biggest and best gold item that day. After a few hours of detecting, we went to the second location. The detector performed awesomely. I came home with several gold rings and an assortment of other bling.
If you are thinking of buying a metal detector, you need to buy from DeMarco Detector Sales. Awesome work Joe and excellent customer service.