Pennsauken Country Club Lost Wedding Ring, (July 2020)

So a friend of mine, who I refer people to when I cannot do a search, received a call from a young mother. She lost her keys the day before on the beach. She had called another person who frequently advertises on all the shore town Facebook pages. I won’t call him a detectorist; I will call him greedy. He wanted a large fee to come out to search and then a hefty reward when the keys were found.
She explained to him that she was poor and had two young children with her. She doesn’t have a spare set of keys and cannot afford to buy a new fob. He wouldn’t do the search because it wasn’t worth his time. She ended up sleeping in the car with her kids that night.
The next morning she called my friend. He went out and did the search and found the keys.
My friend is a fellow first responder who cares about people. Be wary of people with metal detectors that charge a huge fee just to show up. They don’t care about you or your lost item. They are just greedy. They do not represent the hobby, and they should not be called a detectorist.
If you lost something metal and need help finding it, CALL ME at 707-706-3626 or contact my friends at The Ring Finders New Jersey on Facebook.
The next step is to contact the media to expose these frauds.
This morning and went out between downpours to search for a missing wedding ring. You can read the full story here.
It is very important to make mental notes and if possible to take pictures of what you were doing when you think you lost a ring or other piece of jewelry. It will make a recovery much more possible.
If you were doing yard work, DO NOT throw away any of the weeds, grass, or other debris that you have collected. That will need to be searched also. Try to remember where you removed your gloves if you were wearing them. Did you wash your hands outside? Did you shake your hand to get water or dirt off of them?
The more information you have the chances of a recovery go up immensly.
Have a Great Day!!
We search more than beaches!
Frank sent me an email asking if I could help him. While doing yard work he lost his platinum wedding band. He has worn it for 14 years. I sent him a message back stating I would help tomorrow morning as I was currently at the Phillies-Padres playoff game. Go Phillies!
Early the next morning I sent Frank an email letting him know to call me when he was available. He called and gave me his address. So I loaded my vehicle and headed over.
I arrived at his house, and the 1st thing I noticed was how nice the yard/grass looks. It was thick and easy to hide a ring. It was also well-decorated for Halloween. Frank was outside waiting for me. He took me to the different areas that he was working on yesterday. The last stop was where he felt his ring come off. He explained that he was throwing some of the yard debris into the woods. When he was done he shook off the dirt from his hands. At that moment he felt his ring come off. He searched for it without success. He even went out and bought an inexpensive metal detector to search. He mimicked the event while holding a quarter to see where it would land. I spotted the quarter while scanning the area with my eyes.
I grabbed my detector and started. There is a manhole cover in the area and a metal fence. But there were a lot of other metal signals in the area. The developers must have made the woods a dumping ground. There were sticker bushes and vines all over making it difficult to swing the detector properly. After about 20 minutes and many targets, I get a nice signal. I can’t see anything so I get out my pinpointer. I move the leaves and grass and there is a platinum ring. I would have never been found without a metal detector because it was totally hidden.
Frank was elated that I found it in the area he searched many times. Hopefully, he can return the detector he bought. Unless you are an experienced detectorist, chances are you won’t be able to find a lost ring unless you are very lucky. You need to know how to set up a detector to find the type of metal or object you are looking for. You need to know what the detector is telling you when it makes a sound.
Frank found me by doing a Google search for how to find a lost ring. He was so happy that he didn’t give up and reached professional.
I Love My Hobby!!
We search More Than Beaches!
Katie called me after someone on FaceBook recommended me, thank you to whoever that was. She was in her backyard throwing a ball when she lost her engagement ring. She searched for days with no luck. Then she resorted to social media.
Friday was the day I could search, so we set up a date. Katie couldn’t be there but her mom would be. Katie describe to me over text messages where she was in the yard and in what direction she was throwing the ball.
I started near the middle of the tear and did a grid pattern in the north direction. I was getting a few deeper targets and just passed them by. About 20 minutes into the search I got a good signal in the range that small gold rings should be. I pulled back the ring and there was the ring I was looking for. It looked like it was stepped on and it was embedded in the mud, sideways.
When I showed Katie’s mom she couldn’t believe it. She said Katie would be so happy.
I Love My Hobby!!
We search more than beaches!
Frank sent me an email asking if I could help him. While doing yard work he lost his platinum wedding band. He has worn it for 14 years. I sent him a message back stating I would help tomorrow morning as I was currently at the Phillies-Padres playoff game. Go Phillies!
Early the next morning I sent Frank an email letting him know to call me when he was available. He called and gave me his address. So I loaded my vehicle and headed over.
I arrived at his house, and the 1st thing I noticed was how nice the yard/grass looks. It was thick and easy to hide a ring. It was also well-decorated for Halloween. Frank was outside waiting for me. He took me to the different areas that he was working on yesterday. The last stop was where he felt his ring come off. He explained that he was throwing some of the yard debris into the woods. When he was done he shook off the dirt from his hands. At that moment he felt his ring come off. He searched for it without success. He even went out and bought an inexpensive metal detector to search. He mimicked the event while holding a quarter to see where it would land. I spotted the quarter while scanning the area with my eyes.
I grabbed my detector and started. There is a manhole cover in the area and a metal fence. But there were a lot of other metal signals in the area. The developers must have made the woods a dumping ground. There were sticker bushes and vines all over making it difficult to swing the detector properly. After about 20 minutes and many targets, I get a nice signal. I can’t see anything so I get out my pinpointer. I move the leaves and grass and there is a platinum ring. I would have never been found without a metal detector because it was totally hidden.
Frank was elated that I found it in the area he searched many times. Hopefully, he can return the detector he bought. Unless you are an experienced detectorist, chances are you won’t be able to find a lost ring unless you are very lucky. You need to know how to set up a detector to find the type of metal or object you are looking for. You need to know what the detector is telling you when it makes a sound.
Frank found me by doing a Google search for how to find a lost ring. He was so happy that he didn’t give up and reached professional.
I Love My Hobby!!
John emailed me asking if I could locate property markers. I said that I have in the past. We set up a search on Saturday morning. He sent me a copy of his survey that was done more than 30 years ago.
When I arrived we walked the property. The two in the front yard shouldn’t be an issue, but the two in the back yard will be much harder as there is a chain-link fence & metal poles in the area.
I got to work. The 2 front yard markers were found within 15 minutes. I did not find the two in the backyard. In the area of both markers are telephone poles running electric lines. The markers could have been removed or displaced. The fence was also troubling as I had to use my pinpointer to search.
John was very happy that I found two of the 4 markers.
I love my hobby!!
In late April, Roy left a message on my phone asking if I could help him locate his lost wedding ring. I called him back about an hour later. He explained that while cleaning up his yard he was throwing sticks into the woods. At some point, his ring must have flown off. I told him I would be there within the hour, hopefully getting there before the sunset.
I got there with a few minutes to spare as there was still some daylight. He showed me the area he thinks he lost his ring. He explained that he has recently lost a lot of weight and his ring was loose. He said after he called he went out with a leaf blower and tried to find it, creating a large pile of leaves.
I told him if it is here I will find it. I started searching and got a signal almost immediately. It was deeper than a surface find so I continued. Roy and his wife started walking back to the house. Within the next 2 minutes, I got a very strong signal in the pile of leaves. I kicked them to the side and there was Roy’s wedding ring.
As I was taking a picture they noticed me on the ground and started to walk back. I picked it up and showed them what I found. They were stunned that I found it so quickly. Roy explained that it has a lot of sentimental value and that his 14th anniversary is in 2 days.
I handed the ring to his wife, so she could put it back on his finger! The smiles on their faces were well worth the long drive to get there. Roy said he was going to get a ring guard so he wouldn’t have to call me again!
I love my hobby!
Michael called me during my Sunday morning run. He was outside yesterday doing yardwork, mulching, and playing with his 2 young daughters. When he finally went inside, Michael noticed his rose gold wedding ring was missing. He said he found my website and read the tip about searching at night with a flashlight. He gave that a try but didn’t have any success. I told him that I was halfway through my 6-mile run and would come over when I was finished.
I met Michael and he showed me the different areas he did work and played with his daughters. It was pretty much the whole yard. I started in the areas he mulched. He had removed the mulch and put it in a bag. In the 2 areas I searched, I found a couple of nails and a few other unknown metal objects.
Michael went to get the bag of mulch he removed. As he was in the garage I got a great signal in a thick patch of clover. I parted the clover and there it was a very nice rose gold ring. I believe the local leprechaun was trying to keep the gold ring, as it was well concealed. It would have been found without a metal detector He could believe that I found it in 10 minutes. The look on his face was priceless. He also couldn’t believe that he has so much emotion over a ring. Sentimental feelings are a very powerful thing.
Michael found me through Facebook, from a successful recovery a few blocks away in Collingswood, a month or so ago. That was also a rose gold ring.
I Love My Hobby!
I received a call from Katelyn. She told me that her husband lost his rose gold wedding ring in their yard yesterday, after we received 8 inches of new snow. They have been trying to melt some of the snow after having someone with a metal detector out yesterday with no luck.
I was at their house about 20 minutes later. Mike & Katelyn came out and showed me what happened. He had just got done making a snow angel and was flicking his hands trying to get the snow off, and away went his ring.
I turned on my machine and there was a ton of interference. A neighbor must be sending out radio waves to aliens. I tried everything to make the interference stop, no luck. I had MIke place a coin on the ground to make sure I would be able to hear the signal through the noise, and it works.
I started searching the area. I found the gas line and the water line. I had a few other signals that were under the frozen ground. Then I got a signal that moved when I tried to clear away the snow. SUCCESS! What a beautiful rose colored gold ring it was! It took about 15 minutes to find. Both Mike & Katelyn were so happy. They thought that they might have to wait until spring to find it.
Thank you to Karen & Lynda for recommending me on Facebook!
I Love My Hobby!
My wife got a request for my services from a friend of hers from the gym. It seems that George takes care of several feral cat colonies. On Tuesday when he got home he noticed his wedding ring of 49 years was missing. He checked his gloves, car & trunk. No luck.
We made arrangements to meet Thursday, in the afternoon to start the search, We met and he showed me his routine. We emptied food bowls to make sure it was not mixed in with the chow. We checked the water bowls and supply box. Next, I used one of my detectors, a Minelab Equinox with a very small coil. There are a lot of metal items in the area.The ring was not found, off to stop 2.
At the 2nd stop, George again showed me his routine. We checked the bowls and the supply box, nothing. He said he did throw some trash in the nearby dumpster. My heart sank. We opened the dumpster lid and it had been emptied. As I was searching the area with my detector, I questioned George about the check of his car and the gloves he wore that day. He said I could check his car if I wanted to. He is currently wearing the gloves he used on Tuesday, and there is no ring in them.
I finished searching the area with the metal detector with no luck. I moved to George’s car. I looked in the back seat, nothing. I then went to look under the driver’s seat, and there was his white gold wedding ring. He couldn’t believe it was there after he had looked.
The smile on his face was awesome. He said that his wife told him that the ring wouldn’t be found. This upcoming year will be their 50th Anniversary. Christmas came a few days early for George!
I love my hobby!!
Cindy, a grade school classmate of mine, recommended me to a friend of hers. Cindy’s friend’s husband Bryan lost his white gold wedding ring while doing yard work last weekend.
I was able to meet up with Nichole today to do a search. She showed me the areas he was working last weekend. I started in the small area in the front yard with no luck. I moved to the much larger area in the backyard. A lot of leaves and thick grass made a great hiding spot for a ring.
I searched just about the whole backyard with no luck. I was going to get my machine with the smaller coil to search the areas closer to metal objects. While walking back to my truck I said to myself I should expand the search area in the front yard.
3 feet from the area I searched I get a good hit on my detector. I bend down and spread the grass, and there is the missing ring. I was able to surprise Nichole when she answered the door. She was so happy, she said she was going to get the ring resized before Bryan can wear it again. He has lost it a few times recently.
I love my hobby!
Justin called this week asking if I could help find a lost ring. He is pretty sure he lost in his yard while doing yard work. This isn’t the first time I have talked to Justin, he called last year when he lost the same ring, in his house. I told him that I couldn’t use my detector in the house but I will do a visual search. After giving him some tips for a house search he found the ring.
Our calendars allowed a Halloween search. He showed me the primary area. He was wearing gloves at the time but took them off a few times. He threw stuff into a trash can, but the trash wasn’t taken yet, in case we need to search the debris. The ring is not in the gloves. I checked the bag of grass seed that he was using, no ring.
I turned on my detector and immediately started getting severe electronic interference. I did a noise-canceling procedure, a few times, and even did ground balancing. No luck. This just made the search a lot more difficult. I searched the whole area with no luck. I went to my truck and retrieved another detector with a much smaller coil. Still receiving the same interference. Maybe this was a testing site for nuclear bombs, or his yard is on top of an iron mine.
The smaller coil was successful. After about 15 minutes I got a really strong 9 on the detector, pushed back the grass and there was a beautiful family heirloom. No tricks here only treats! This yellow gold ring with 3 diamonds was his father’s ring. Justin was awestruck & speechless. After a few minutes, he said he just texted a good friend saying that he thinks he is not going to see his ring again.
I gave him some advice, when doing yard work, leave the ring in the house. He told me he was going to clean out the garage after I left, But he will not be wearing his ring.
I love my hobby!
Jordan called me a few weeks ago asking if I could help find 2 rings for him. They were lost on a golf course. Do you know how big a golf course is? He had a real good idea where they were. I was out of town for my Half Ironman race for the week. We agreed to meet today in the afternoon.
Jordan made sure we had permission to search on the course. The Yardley Country Club is a really nice-looking club. Jordan went up to the pro and secured us a golf cart to take us out to the 14th tee box. Jordan Explained that if you walk with your clubs and use a hand cart, members will push their cart down the hill towards the 14th tee while they are putting on the 13th green. Most of the time the carts end up in the proper place. This time Jordon’s cart got to the 14th tee and flipped over.
Jordan usually takes his rings off to play golf & puts them into his golf bag. Jordan didn’t realize they were missing until a few days later. He searched his bag & gloves with no luck. Then he remembered the mishap on the 14th tee. He went to the club a few times to look. One time he even took a rake. No luck. So he did an internet search on renting metal detectors and found me.
The area was not that big. He believed that they can’t be too far from the cart path, one was a thin gold ring and the other is a larger platinum ring. I got started and got a signal right away, in the gold platinum range on my detector. Well, it wasn’t a ring, it was the top of a pencil, the part that holds an eraser. This club supports cheating by supplying an eraser (LOL). This little area was loaded with metal objects. I searched the area with no rings found. I told him I was going to expand the search area.
About an hour into the search I got another good sound, it was a ring, I moved the ring and the other one was there also. The rings were thrown approximately 15 to 20 feet past the cart path. The amazing part is they stayed together. They were down in the dirt like someone stepped on them or a tire from a tractor ran over them. Jordan wasn’t looking so I put them in my hand and finished my current line. Jordan was talking to a foursome on the 13th green. I asked him if he thought that I was still in the area he thought they could be. He got out of the cart and came over to me saying yes. As he was talking I held out my hand, he didn’t see them, so I raised my hand a little higher. After about a minute he had a shocked look on his face, then a smile from ear to ear. He realized he was now out of the dog house.
I love my hobby!
Ernie sent me an email requesting my services. Sometime this morning while doing yard work he lost his tungsten wedding ring. I had some time this evening to search.
I met Ernie at his house and he showed me what he was doing earlier. He spread a lot of mulch and rinsed his hands a few times with a hose. The yard has a lot of thick zoysia grass.
I started my search and found a few small pieces of aluminum siding. After about 10 minutes Erie went into the house. 5 minutes later his wife pulled up as I was getting a signal. It was Ernie’s ring. I put my finger over my mouth to give the signal to be quiet. I went over to the front door and asked Ernie to come out because I had some more questions.
I pointed to behind some bushes asking if he was back there, his ring was on my finger. It took a while for him to realize that it was there. Another awesome look on his face. We took a few pictures and he said he would chat up my services on social media.
2nd successful recovery of the day!
I LOVE my hobby!
Miranda was referred to me after posting on Facebook that she lost her rings. She contacted me 2 days ago and our calendars synced up for an early Saturday morning search. Miranda explained that she had placed her engagement ring & wedding band in her back pocket. She forgot that they were there, and started playing with her 3-year-old son in the backyard.
The yard is a good size. She was in many spots, around the shed, sitting on the deck, and around the fort. The fort was the last stop on our tour, so that is where I began my search.
Miranda went to move her car as I got started because she was also around her SUV in the driveway. I started to search and 3 swings in, I found both rings. They were buried deep in the grass. Less than 1 minute of searching. They couldn’t be seen without separating the blades of grass. I really thought this was going to be a very long search. I took a few pictures before she returned.
When she came back like 3 minutes later I asked a few more questions. She was looking around the yard, as I was holding up her rings. It took a minute for her to notice them. The look on her face was priceless! She went from being depressed to being ecstatic. She couldn’t believe I had found them so fast!
I love my hobby!
Charlotte called me yesterday asking if I could find her ring. She was on the beach playing a tossing game. When she tossed she lost her ring. I had plans today but told her I could be there this morning, bright & early. She agreed.
I got to the beach at 7:30 am. It was empty & I got an excellent free parking spot! She told me she was to the right of the trash cans, so I texted her saying I was there and started to search before she got there. Within 5 minutes I had an awesome shallow tone on the detector. I scooped up the sand and had a big silver ring in my hands.
I was very surprised that I found it before she arrived. As I was taking pictures of the ring, Charlotte arrived. I asked her what her ring looked like, as I was going to surprise her when she described it to me. She said it was a yellow gold ring with a pearl in the center. Oh, that is not the ring I found, bonus!
She showed me the area she was in when she lost her ring. The ring was her grandmother’s ring, which has a lot of sentimental value attached to it. She said she spent several hours sifting through the sand with family looking for it. She is in the area for a family reunion. She explained to me that just last week she lost another ring on a beach in Virginia, that a family friend found with a metal detector. She didn’t learn a lesson with that loss.
I started to grid the area she sent me to. Within 5 minutes I had that special gold tone on my detector, scooped and there was her ring. She was so happy & relieved. I asked her if she learned any lessons. She said YES, I’m never wearing rings to the beach again. She had to go back & pack as they are returning home today, to Virginia.
I stuck around to search a little more and found another silver ring. Not bad, it was a beautiful morning on the beach!!
I Love My Hobby!!
Karen emailed me earlier in the week to see if I would be able to search for a lost tungsten ring. Her fiance lost it while doing yard work a few weeks ago. I asked the usual questions, where? When? How? Any buried items? And so on…
We made arrangements for me to search Thursday after work. Of course, Mother Nature would play games and threaten with a Severe Weather Warning that afternoon. John was waiting for me. He showed me the 2 main areas of concern. He was working on removing a railing from the porch and then he was washing cars. My heart sank a little when he said while working on the porch he was throwing items into a large metal dumpster. It was pretty full with a lot of hazards. If John has my luck his ring is in the bottom of the dumpster. John also told me that the yard was cut at least once.
I started my search around the porch. John asked if he could watch. He wanted to know about my detector, a Minelab Equinox, and I showed him how my pinpointer also worked. There were a lot of signals, most of them 2+ inches deep. I didn’t bother looking at those, as I was trying to beat the storms.
After about 15 minutes I got a good tone, started to spread the zoysia grass apart and there was a nice looking black & gold ring. I pulled out my phone to take a picture & John was right there. He called me a “lifesaver” no pun intended. He was very happy! As we are both fully COVID vaccinated he gave me a big handshake. He said he would spread the word about my service.
I love my hobby!