Tag Archives: lost ring Camden County

Field of Tears, Lost Engagement & Wedding Rings, Westampton NJ

Sunday I get an email from Carrie asking for assistance in finding her rings. She thinks that they were lost in Westampton Burlington County during a softball tournament. She coaches a girls team and took her rings off and put them in her pocket that she also put her phone in. Well several innings later along with calls and texts she notices that her rings are missing.

They looked all over and couldn’t find them. They drove back in the dark to look again. She thought that they were gone forever. She explained that they drag the field after every game. I am thinking to myself that this will not have a good outcome. Someone found the rings at one of the games later that day and took them to a pawn shop. They had to be on the surface. Infields are hard surfaces.

I couldn’t head up on Sunday due to a half marathon I was running in and it was pouring in the afternoon. I said that I would search on Monday after work. Carrie would have to get permission for me to search the field. Permission was secured.

My wife & I drove to the fields on Monday. We came prepared with boots that we could get muddy, and it was a good thing we did. The field was muddy and had a lot of deep puddles.

Carrie had explained where she was during her time at the field. I decided to search the grassy area 1st as I thought that would be the spot that would provide cover for the rings. Nothing, very few signals at all. They do a good job of keeping this field clean.

Next, I went to the area between the dugout and home plate. After a few iron tones, I got a good tone, Boom! The engagement ring was in the mud about 1/2 an inch down. Wow, only 15 minutes into the search and I have 1 of 2 rings. The other one has to be close by, right?

Well, 20 minutes later I’m starting to think that the dragging machine moved it very far away. I sent a message to Carrie to call me. I wanted to know if there was any other place that she could have lost the 2nd ring. I continued to search.

Another 10 minutes into the search on the 3rd base side of the field, the 1st ring was on the 1st base side. I get a good tone. Boom!! I now have the 2nd ring. It was also about a half inch down. We did the best cleaning we could do in one of the many mud puddles. We took several pictures.

We left a message on the way home, asking for a return call, not letting on that I had found the rings, As I was unloading the truck Carrie called back, Edwina was there with me. I asked Carrie if there was any other location that she could think of that the rings could be. When she ran out of ideas I told her that I had found them. She started to cry, Edwina started to cry because Carrie was crying.

We met after dinner so Carrie could get her rings back. Carrie and her husband were very happy. Another happing ending!!!


Leaves Claim More Keys…

I received an email from John, seems while he was raking leaves and dumping them down a ravine he lost his keys.

We met 2 days later. At the back of John’s yard is a steep ravine to a creek down below. While he was dumping some leaves he dropped the trash can. When he went to get the trash can he took a tumble down the hill. After he was done later in the day he noticed that his keys were gone. He thought that the best place to start is where he tumbled.

I got started and immediately got iron hits. There are all kinds of cement with rebar and pipes down this steep hill. This is going to be a tough hunt. I almost lost my footing several times. I turned the sensitivity way down to try to combat some of the signals that I was getting.

The leaves were piled up about 2 feet deep. After about 5 minutes I get my first non-iron hit. It was John’s keys. What a relief. Now to get back up the hill to give John back his keys.

He was very happy and stated that one of the keys would have cost over $200 to replace. Another successful recovery in very short time. I love my hobby!!!


Yard Work Claims Another Wedding Ring in Medford NJ

Melissa called me earlier in the week. Her husband of 1 year lost his wedding ring. They think he lost it in the yard doing yard work 3 weeks ago. Wednesday afternoon would be the day I could search.

They had looked into buying a replacement but, the new ring was much more expensive then it was a year ago.

I get to the location, and I am greeted by Chris & Melissa. Chris explains that he has lost some weight and his ring was loose. He put it in his pock while he was cutting the grass. It was the same pocket that he put his phone. He took the phone out a few time to change the music he was listening to. He did this a few time in the front yard. The property is about an acre.

They had borrowed a metal detector from a friend but didn’t have any luck. It was constantly beeping.

I started in the front yard. At about 1 hour and 45 minutes into the hunt, I did most of the front yard, from the road towards the house. It was getting to be dinner time, and the mosquitoes were getting hungry. I decided that I would search near the front steps, then go to the backyard and search around the shed before calling it quits and returning this weekend.

15 minutes later I get a really good tone, had to get down on a knee and pull back the grass, and there is a cobalt ring with 14k rose gold inlay. Awesome looking ring.

I was about to ring the doorbell when Melissa showed up at the door. I showed her the ring, and the look on her face was priceless. I got a huge hug. Chris was very happy to see his rig. He didn’t believe that I found it near the front steps. He said that it had no chance of being there.

Another success story!!


Ring Lost Several Years Ago…

Several months ago I received a call from Trisha. She lost a ring several years ago in the yard of a friend in Levittown Pa. We texted back & forth and set up a date. The day before we were to look for the ring she sent me a message that there was a problem and she would get back to me. She kept in touch.
This week she texted and asked what my availability was. We agreed on Sunday morning at 8 am. I started packing up my truck at 6:30, and it starts pouring. Ok, better pack my rain gear and switch my detector to waterproof.
We met, and it is raining. I put on my bright yellow rain gear, pants, and jacket. I look like I am going to be on the show Deadliest Catch. Trisha takes me to the area that she believes the ring is located in. She was playing volleyball with friends and went to serve the ball. When she hit the ball, her ring went flying. She had warned me that there are a lot of bottle caps and pull tabs in the area, she was right!! Her husband had looked several years ago with a metal detector and didn’t have any luck.
About 10 minutes into the search her friends said that she was in a different area of the yard. So I expanded my search. 2 spoons, and several trash targets later I get the tone I am listening for. About an inch down in the dirt is a beautiful gold & ruby ring.
Trica comes running down off of the porch, and I get a very big hug. She then explains the history of the ring. The ring is her best friends mothers ring. It was given to Trica after the mother past away. Her best friend had an identical ring made while her mother was still living. She hasn’t been able to tell her friend that she lost the ring. She just saw her friend yesterday, and she was still wearing the identical ring. Trisha now says that she will tell her friend the story of her ring. So much sentimental value.
Trisha stated when we met before the search that the rain would bring good luck. She also reminded me that when we first spoke on the phone that I said if the ring was in the yard, that I would find it!!
I love my hobby!!!


Day Trip To Stone Harbor Includes Lost Wedding Ring

Received an email at midnight, didn’t see it till the next morning after my 6-mile run. Mary informed me that her husband lost his wedding ring in the surf at Stone Harbor. They were only down for the day and are back home in Central NJ. I immediately responded to the email and called. Mary gave me more details but she said that someone was looking for the ring already. She told me who and I said if she needed me to call me back.

I called the other detectorist, and he informed me that he didn’t have any luck. I called Mary back and told her that I would give it a try. I asked her a ton of questions. When trying to find lost items you need to be a detective.

On the drive down I had a gut feeling that this wasn’t going to be successful. I got to the beach earlier than anticipated. The lifeguards were still on duty and would give me issues about being in the water not in the swim zone. I walked up to the access ramp and surveyed the area. Another overwhelming feeling that this wasn’t going to go well. There was a wedding on the beach 1 block south.

I went back to my vehicle to wait out the lifeguards. While waiting I talked to my mom and my mentor (Diane Toogood), asking for help from above. I also pulled up the Ring Finders site and looked at some recent successful recoveries, to get me in a better mental zone.

At 5 pm the lifeguards left the beach. I entered the water, no sounds. The other detectorist did a great job of cleaning out all of the other targets.

At 5:10 I get a great sounding tone, dig down. Rinse out the sand. Look in the scoop to find the ring that I was looking for, 10 minutes. I left the beach to get my phone. I took a few pictures and sent Mary one of them. Boy was I excited, full of energy. I thanked my mom & Dianne multiple times!!

She called me right back, sounding like she was choked up. She said that it looked like the ring, then told me the inscription that was inside. It matched. We made arrangement to me the following day. It was a GREAT ride home, I didn’t care how much traffic there was!!

I get more hugs from making recoveries. The ring is now back on her husband’s hand!




Lost Rings Near the Beach Replenishing Project in Margate NJ

Yesterday at 7am I received a text message from a friend of mine. One of his friends lost her rings on the beach at Margate NJ two days prior. He said he gave my information to her.

Dina & I texted a few times, she thought that she wouldn’t need my services because she and her son were heading back to the beach with a borrowed metal detector. I told her to keep me posted with their progress.

3 hours later I get a text that they need my help. I told her that I would head down after work. I wasn’t sure if I would have the stamina for a long search as I just had back surgery 8 weeks ago.

It took just over 2 hours but we found both rings. Below is Dina’s story:

Here’s how it happened, so we can ALL learn a lesson from my mistake: I went to put on sunscreen, but didn’t want my rings to get all goopy, so I took them off and put them in the cup holder of the beach chair. When I was done applying the sunscreen, I got distracted, and went off to play with my kids, not putting the rings back on. Then I forgot all about them.
Hours later, my husband slung the chair over his shoulder to carry it back to the truck. (Btw, he followed the path of our two year old niece on the way out, so it could have fallen out ANYWHERE.) It was not until we got home, when I was taking off my jewelry, that I remembered what I had done. If you know what “plotzed” means, that’s what I did!!! I froze, my heart stopped, and fear set in.

Of course we immediately checked the chairs and the truck, to no avail. I wanted to drive right back down to the shore (exhausted, in the dark), but my amazing husband, Hector, who was miraculously calm and had a clear head through this entire debacle, spoke to reason, saying, “It’s just a thing. It can be replaced. We have insurance. It’s not like someone was hurt or died.” (Btw, when I pointed out to him how amazing he was being, and he said that I’d do the same for him, I said, “No, I wouldn’t! I’d be freaking out at you!!” … Can I just say, I am such a lucky girl.)

The next day, my Aunt Barbara went to the beach to look, and spoke with the lifeguards, but with no luck. I called Margate Police and Margate Public Works, to leave my contact info, just in case someone turned them in. Then I borrowed my friend Susan’s metal detector, and went down yesterday with my son at 6:30 am to hunt for myself. I had no hope, but I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I didn’t at least try. I swear we even looked where they were ultimately found! But after looking for two hours, the best decision I made was asking for help.

I am so thankful everything turned out okay. I am still in a state of disbelief!! Thanks again to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, suggestions, ideas, and support. A special and humongous thank you to my son, for sacrificing the hockey practice that he really looks forward to, and to Dave Milsted, the metaldetectingman.com for working so methodically for over two hours, and saving the day (and to John Hill for heavily encouraging us to give him a call)!!


Survey Markers Found in Cherry Hill NJ

Art sent me an email asking if I would search his yard in Cherry Hill. He needed his property markers found.

We agreed to meet after work a few days later. I take three different machines with me on each hunt. For this hunt, I chose my Minelab Explorer II. Ran it wide open with no discrimination. The whole search took less than 10 minutes; It took longer to pack my truck than it did for the search.

The markers were buried beneath 1 inch of dirt and grass. Art was a very happy man. He stated that he has been looking for them for a very long time. He didn’t want to have to have his property resurveyed.

Art didn’t want any pictures taken.

If you have lost something metal in Southern NJ, the Jersey Shore, SE Pennsylvania or Northern Delaware, give the Metal Detecting Man a call. I can search land and shallow water. Check out www.metaldetectingman.com for some of my recoveries over the last 20+ years. Don’t waste time renting or buying a metal detector, give a professional a call.

Lost Ring, Long Beach Island (LBI), Lost ring Brigantine NJ, Lost ring Atlantic City NJ, Lost ring Ventnor NJ, Lost ring Margate NJ, Lost ring Longport NJ, Lost ring Ocean City NJ, Lost ring Strathmere, Lost ring Sea Isle City NJ, Lost ring Avalon NJ, Lost Ring Stone Harbor NJ, Lost ring Wildwood NJ, Lost ring Wildwood Crest NJ, Lost ring Cape May NJ, Camden County, Mercer County, Burlington County, Ocean County, Atlantic County, Cape May County, Gloucester County, Salem County, Cumberland County, Sothern NJ, South Jersey, Jersey Shore. Camden (Broadway, Cramer Hill, Fairview, Parkside) Audubon, Audubon Park, Barrington, Bellmawr, Berlin, Brooklawn, Cherry Hill Township (Colestown, Ellisburg, Erlton, Springdale, Woodcrest), Chesilhurst, Clementon, Collingswood, Gibbsboro, Gloucester City, Gloucester Township (Blackwood, Blenheim, Chews Landing, Erial, Glendora, Grenloch, Hilltop, Lakeland, Mechanicsville, Turkey Foot), Haddonfield, Haddon Heights, Haddon Township (Westmont, West Collingswood), Hi-Nella, Laurel Springs, Lawnside, Lindenwold (Kirkwood, Lucaston), Magnolia, Merchantville, Mt. Ephraim, Oaklyn, Pennsauken Township (Delair), Pine Hill (Watsontown), Pine Valley, Runnemede, Somerdale, Stratford, Tavistock , Voorhees Township (Ashland, Coffins Corner, Glendale, Kresson), Waterford Township (Atco, Dunbarton, Louden, Pestletown, Waterford Works), Winslow Township (Albion, Ancora, Bates Mill, Blue Ancor, Braddock, Cedarbrook, Dicktown, Elm, Florence, New Brooklyn, New Freedom, Sicklerville, Tansboro, Williamstown Junction), Woodlynne. Allenhurst, Asbury Park, Avon-by-the-Sea, Lavallette, Loch Arbour, Long Branch, Manasquan, Mantoloking, Normandy Beach, Ortley Beach, Point Pleasant Beach, Sea Girt, Seaside Heights, Seaside Park, Ship Bottom. Phila, Philadelphia, Bass River, Beverly, Bordentown City, Bordentown, Burlington City, Burlington Township, Chesterfield, Cinnaminson, Delanco, Delran, Eastampton, Edgewater Park, Evesham, Fieldsboro, Florence, Hainesport, Lumberton, Mansfield, Maple Shade, Medford Lakes, Medford Township, Moorestown, Mt. Holly, Mt. Laurel, New Hanover, North Hanover, Palmyra, Pemberton, Riverside, Riverton, Shamong, Southampton, Springfield, Tabernacle, Washington Township, Westampton, Willingboro, Woodland Township, Wrightstown, Clayton, Deptford, East Greenwich, Elk, Franklin, Glassboro, Greenwich, Harrison, Logan, Mantua, Monroe, National Park, Newfield, Paulsboro, Pitman, South Harrison, Swedesboro, Washington, Wenonah, West Deptford, Westville, Woodbury, Woodbury Heights, Woolwich,


Property Survey Marker in Hamilton Twp NJ Found by Dave Milsted

I received an email from Mark who asked if I could help him find a missing Property Survey Marker.  It was marked a year or so ago with a little flag but has since been moved by a neighbor.

We set up a time for the upcoming Saturday. The weather was perfect for a hunt. I met Mark and he showed me the area that he was searching in. The grass has been matted down pretty good from all of the foot traffic and hand & knees searches.

I got my CTX 3030 and started the search. I think I swung my machine twice before getting a good hit. Dug down with my trowel and unearthed the marker. The whole search took less than 1 minute. It took longer for the machine to turn on then it did to find the marker. Mark was searching about 6 feet away from where the marker was located.

If you have lost something metal in the South Jersey Area, including Southeastern Pennsylvania or Northern Delaware give me a call. Save yourself a lot of frustration trying to find it on your own or wasting money trying to rent or buy a metal detector. It takes years to learn how to use a metal detector properly. You can reach me at my Ring Finders Hotline (707) 706-3626 or metaldetectingman@gmail.com


Lost Wedding Band Found in Medford NJ

I recently received a text from a nice woman, we will call her Betty in nearby Medford. She explained that her husband lost his wedding ring in their yard. She also stated that she was heartbroken. She found me by doing a search for metal detectors, she was going to rent one, but found the Ring Finders instead.

She described it as a plain white gold thin wedding band.

We made arrangements to search 2 days later. I arrived and looked over the area, lots of trees, shrubs and leaves. This could be a long hunt due to the size of the property.

I started a grid search and immediately found the underground sprinkler system. Other than that, there were no signals in the area. About 20 minutes into the search I got a good signal. I looked down and could see the ring through the grass.

I started to take a picture of the location and the ring when Betty came over to see what I was doing. I picked up the ring and held it out for her. Tears streamed from her eyes. I also received several hugs.

Another successful search. If you ever lose anything metal, don’t waste your time trying to rent a metal detector. It takes years to learn how to use one properly, especially if you are looking for jewelry. I can search in shallow water, sand, dirt and grass. Need a property marker found? Give me a call.


Buried Property Markers Found in Clayton NJ By Dave Milsted

This is 1 of 2 property markers that were buried and found with a metal detector.

I received a call from Kevin, who said he found me on The Ring Finders website. He said that he didn’t lose any jewelry, but he has a strange request if I would accept. I said to go ahead with your story. He said about 20 years ago the township put in property markers on the border of his property. He is looking to purchase more land and needs to find them. The township told him that they were metal.

He has spent a while looking for them without any success.

I arrived at the agreed on time. Kevin took me to his property line. I set my CTx-3030 to all metal mode because I had no idea what range these markers would be. I searched and immediately got an large iron hit. It was a water pipe, time to turn down the sensitivity. No luck.

So we went to another location. I metal fence was in this area, and cause my detector to respond. I went outside of the search area and found a lot of trash.

We went back to the 1st location. I turned the sensitivity down even further. About 15 mins after returning to this area I found it. I had the tone & the numbers I need to find the other marker.

Back to the 2nd location we go. While Kevin was still marking the 1st marker I found the 2nd one. It was right up against the metal fence. It took less than an hour to find them.

Kevin was so happy. He didn’t want to be photographed.

So not only am I a treasure hunter, I can find property markers also…


Flying Ring

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This time of year I am very busy at the beaches looking for lost items for clients. But I recently received an email from Brandon stating his wife lost a ring in their back yard. He was local so it wouldn’t be the normal hour plus ride to the shore.

I started asking the normal questions: What is the ring made of? Is there metal objects in the yard? How did it happen? And so on. I got answers to all of the questions except how did it happen. So I asked again. He said I’ll tell you the real story, not the one we are telling family and friends. I said stop, let me guess, there was an argument and the ring was tossed.

There was a pause, and he said how did you know? I said that it happens a lot more than you think. We made arrangements for me to come out on the weekend. He emailed me throughout the week asking how confidant I was that I could find it. I kept reassuring him that the odds were really good.

We met on a Saturday morning. He showed me the area that he thought that the ring was in. Boy the yard was big. I had him recreate the incident. He stated that the ring wasn’t here, he had bought a $50 metal detector and all it did was beep constantly. He took it back and bought a $150 metal detector. It did the same thing. He then spent several hours of everyday for a week on his hands and knees looking through the grass.

I went to my truck to get my gear ready for the search. Good thing I bring more than 1 detector with me. My CTX3030 with a 10 inch coil was my choice to start. Well I left the battery at home in the charger. OK a quick call to my wife to see if she could bring the battery out. She couldn’t for about 30-60 minutes. OK I guess I will be using my Minelab Explorer with a 3 inch coil. Wow this will make it much more difficult with the size of the area that will need to be covered.

I started the search. I now see why both of the detectors that Brandon bought were constantly beeping, a lot of buried iron. He let me scan over the wedding band made of the same material. I now had the correct tone & number id’s to help weed through all of the iron. I worked a grid pattern.

As I worked the grid pattern I came to an area that he was pulling grass and weeds. He placed them into a large plastic bag. I moved the bag and got the tone I was listening for. I looked under the grass and there was the missing ring, partially submerged into the dirt. It looks like it might have been stepped on to push it into the ground like that. It took less than 30 minutes to make the find.

I was amazed that I found it with my baby coil in such a large area. I quickly called my wife to tell her that I didn’t need the battery. She hadn’t left yet.

Brandon was totally amazed that I found it. He said that he concentrated his search in that area and missed it multiple times. The look on his face was priceless. He is totally out of the dog house now.

I can’t stress it enough. If you lose something don’t waste your time and money buying or renting a metal detector. It takes years to learn how to properly use them. Call a professional.


Deja Vu All Over Again!!

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Many of you know that I have pulled off some epic April Fool’s Pranks on my birthday. This is not one of them, this is a true story!

Joe contacted me 2 weeks ago. He thinks he lost his ring in his yard while raking leaves in the fall. He said that this isn’t the 1st time he has lost his ring. It is the 5th time and I found it for him several years ago. That time he also lost it while doing yard work.

He said he would be home on Friday & I had some free time, so I headed over. The last time I found it within 10 minutes. I noticed that the yard has changed. The back yard has a metal fence, not good. Plus, there is a large garden in the middle of the yard that also has a metal fence around it.

Joe stated that he bought a $150 metal detector. He has been trying to look for it, but the machine is always beeping. So he thought it was time to reach out again.

Joe showed me what he was doing that fateful day. I started searching in the areas that he thought that he lost it. All of those spots were near the fences. I brought multiple machines and lowered the sensitivity really low, but the fences are just to overpowering to my metal detectors.

I moved to other areas of the yard. I searched out front where he said he piled the leaves for the township. I was hoping that the leaf machine didn’t get his platinum wedding band. After 2.5 hours of searching I had to leave, I had another appointment.

Our schedules wouldn’t line up till 1 week later on April Fool’s Day. After leaving work at 8:30 am and getting my equipment. I called Joe to make sure we were still on. He said that he completely forgot. He had made an 11am appointment to get a newer car. He said that I could come over to look even if he wasn’t there. I told him that I would be there in 20 minutes.

Joe was out back moving some of the tomato cages out of the way in hopes that he lost it in the garden while he was dumping leaves. I did a quick search and I couldn’t get close to the edges because of the fence. It wasn’t in the rest of the garden.

I only had a small area in the back yard that I didn’t finish the last time that I was here. SO I detected that. No ring. I got another machine with a 3-inch coil to try to get closer to the fences. No luck. I’m getting frustrated and getting ready to give up. I really wanted to find this ring, AGAIN. Joe would be my 1st repeat customer and 1st successful repeat customer.

I saw a rake in the garden and decided to rake all around the fence at the garden, both inside and out. I did it twice. The second time around I was down to the dirt. I moved some more dirt & leaves and there was a platinum ring right up against the fence.

I took a few pictures and went to the house to show Joe. He couldn’t believe it. He was so excited; his expression was better than the first time that I had found his ring. He asked if he could hug me. We hugged. He said that his wife isn’t going to believe this. I suggested that he puts it on a chain or gets a replacement that fits. He said that he would look into it. I also told him that I had a good feeling about finding it today since it is my birthday.

He now has my magnetic business card on his refrigerator for next time. I said it better be for a referral.

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The Metal Detecting Man

Did you lose something metal? I might be able to help you find it!

I’m a metal-detecting enthusiast with over 30 years of experience. I’ve helped countless people find their lost jewelry, coins, and other metal objects. I offer my services in Southern NJ, Philadelphia, and Northern Delaware, but I am happy to travel to other areas as needed. I can search yards, parks, beaches, and shallow water. I have an excellent success rate and am always happy to help.

I can search yards, parks, beaches, and shallow water. I have an excellent success rate and am confident I can help you find your lost item.

If you’re interested in my services, please visit my Request Page, email me, or contact me at (707) 706-3626. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have.

Here are a few stories of my past successes:

  • I once helped a woman find her engagement ring that she had lost in the sand at the beach. The ring was buried about 6 inches deep, and I was able to find it in just a few minutes.
  • I helped a woman find her mother’s wedding ring that she had lost in her yard. The ring was buried about 5 inches deep and had been lost for over 30 years.
  • I helped a retired NFL football player find his championship ring. It would have cost him $35,000 to replace it.

I’m passionate about helping people find their lost treasures, and I’m confident that I can help you too. Please get in touch with me today to learn more about my services.

Here are some of the benefits of using my metal-detecting service:

  • I have a proven track record of success.
  • I use top-of-the-line equipment.
  • I offer a free consultation.

If you’ve lost something metal, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I’ll do everything I can to help you find it.


Keys Lost In A Blizzard

The day after our 22 inch snow storm, I received an email from Paul. He wanted to know if my metal detector could find his keys in the snow. He thinks that he lost them while he was shoveling. I told him that yes I should be able to find his keys. This was 6:30 at night.

He wanted to know when I could get there. I told him that I had to work the next 2 days so Wednesday would be the earliest. He asked if there was anyway I could come out later that night. His wife was very worried about someone finding the keys and having access to the house and/or cars. Paul said that he was out right now but would be home around 8pm.

I met Paul at his house in Haddonfield at 8pm. It was a corner house with a lot of sidewalk area. I got a really bad sinking feeling. This was going to take me all night. Paul showed me the property. He explained that he started shoveling the driveway and then the rest of the yard. It took him hours.

I went back to my truck to get my Minelab CTX 3030 with a 12 inch coil. I told him that I would start here near my truck and then move on. Did I mention that I would be walking thought this 22 inches of snow while searching? In most spots it was deeper because of the shoveling. I was beat already from shoveling my yard, my in-laws, my dad’s house & my brothers. Over 5 hours of shoveling (our snow blower had broke). I really didn’t want to be here.

About 5 minutes into the search I got my 1st signal. I dug down with my gloved hands and it was a miracle, I had his key in my hand!! I shouted over to Paul and said “I got them!!” He yelled OMG I can’t believe it. He must have said that 10 times. Paul said that his wife will be greatly relieved that no strangers will be finding the keys.

It took me longer to find a parking spot than it did to find his keys. When I got home my wife asked if I gave up because it was to deep. I said no, that I had found them already. She said that I was only gone 15 minutes. I didn’t even miss a quarter of the NFL Playoff game that I had been watching.

I settled down and watched the rest of the game with a Coney Island Hard Rootbeer. Another successful search. I was very happy that it was so short.



Those Darn Leaves!

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A few weeks late but here is my last successful ring recovery of 2015!

I received an email from a newlywed couple saying that the husband lost his wedding ring in the back yard while raking leaves and playing with some kids. They found me through a referral from the internet.

We set up a day to meet for me to hunt. Turns out they live on the next street over from me, we’re neighbors.

We met on a Sunday afternoon, and they showed me the area that he believed that he lost it. The far back of the yard near a tire swing. They left me to hunt as they had things to do in the house since it was getting near Christmas.

As I started to search the area I was getting a lot of iron signals. The area this house is in was in the same general area where there was a stage coach stop for people traveling from Philly to the shore in the 1700 & 1800’s. I had to turn down the gain on my machine a lot to make it stable.

I searched the area for about a half an hour with no luck. I then decided to expand my search area. Most people think they lost their item when the notice it missing, but a lot of times it isn’t even close to where they lost it.

After about another 15 minutes I get a very good signal in my headphones. I separate the thick grass and there is a white gold ring. The inscription inside is “Duet – The Way You Are”.

I go up to the house and knock. They look disappointed. When they opened the door they said I guess you are giving up. I asked them if the ring had an inscription. They said yes and told me what it was. I then said I guess this belongs to you then, and opened my hand with the ring inside.

The were so amazed that it had been found. I get more hugs from strangers after finding items, then I get from my family. They had already inquired at a local jeweler about a replacement. We took some pictures and they asked me about some of my stories that are on my website.

2015 was a very good year for me returning lost items. I am hoping for a better 2016!! Thanks for taking the time to read my adventures.Facebooktwitter

Lost Deceased Mother’s Ring

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What is that Brittney Spears song? Oops I Did It Again

My wife received a message from a friend who has been reading some of my recovery stories. Apparently her mom, who passed away late last year, lost a gold ring about this time last year. Her mom insisted that it was lost near the driveway at her house. She asked if I could look for it.

I am always up for a new search. I had some time to spare this week so I got the address for her dad’s house and packed my truck with 3 detectors and assorted other necessities.

I arrived at the house and it looked like no one was home. I started to search the very thick Zoysia grass. I was thinking to myself that there is no way a ring could penetrate this carpet, it would just sit on top.

I searched the area and received 2 possible targets. I moved the grass around to see if the ring was under the grass. Nope I marked them both so check after I finished the area, because it would take a little work to look in the ground with the thick root system of the Zoysia.

After finishing the search of the area I went to the fist mark. Carefully with out destroying the grass I was able to probe and pop out a nickle. I was about 2 inches down in the dirt. After the recovery I fixed the ground & no one will ever know that the ground was disturbed.

I went to the 2nd target that I market. I was probing the area with a 10 inch flat head Craftsman screw driver that I use a a probe. After a few tries I hit something that wasn’t a root. I tried to pop the target out of the ground, no luck. I then dug a very small hole in the dirt. I see the sparkle of GOLD. I was the ring, but it was intertwined in thick roots of the Zoysia. With in a minute I had the ring in my possession. I was amazed at how deep the ring was in the dirt after only being there about 1 year.

I fixed the ground and you can’t tell that anyone was there. I took the ring home, and cleaned it up. I took a few pictures and then sent a text with just the picture to Denise. I got a message back saying “OMG!I Love u!!! Ur making me cry!!!”

The whole searching of the area and the recovery of the ring only took about 10 minutes. It took longer to pack my truck…

A post from Denise:

If you don’t believe in miracles then read this!!! I appreciate
Dave finding it more than he’ll ever know. It’s an only child ring – my stone is in the middle and my parents’ stone on either side then my mom added each of the boys’ stones. I want her to be buried with it but I guess she wanted me to have it.Facebooktwitter

Free Time


Back in the 90’s I saw my neighbor lying on the grass in his front yard. Being a paramedic I went over to make sure that he was OK. He said that on nice days when he has free time he lays in this area of his lawn and looks for his wedding band that he lost 7 years prior. I told him that one of my hobbies was metal detecting and that when I had some time I would look for him.

A couple of weeks past and I found myself with some extra time. Craig had sown me the area that he thought that he lost it. It was while doing yard work.

I had my White’s XLT detector and was looking for a number in the 20’s, hoping that it would be a gold ring. Withing 10 minutes I received my first tone. Hmmm it sounds good, what is the number? 22, that’s number is in the correct range. Could it be that I found it on the 1st try?

The grass was thick Zoysia. Craig takes good care of his lawn.  I worked through the grass and got down to the dirt. I could see a hint of gold. I did it, I found the ring on the first signal. Craig was right on the money as to its location.

I took it up to the house, rand the door and showed Craig his ring. He was amazed. He didn’t know what he was going to do with his free time in the future. This was one of my very first recoveries. The feeling is still the same when I get to return an item to someone!!Facebooktwitter

Lost Wedding Ring Atlantic City

Newlywed Mishap, Lost Wedding Ring Found in Atlantic City Returned

Lost wedding ring found in Atlantic City Lost wedding ring found in Atlantic City

I received a missed call from a London exchange. I thought why is someone from England calling me? Must be telemarketers. It was followed by a frantic email. Alice & her husband were in Atlantic City on Monday. Alice left her rings at home, but Eric wore his. He did take off his ring when he wanted to go into the water. Alice put it on her finger. After a few hours in the heat they left the beach. That is when she noticed the Eric’s ring was gone.

I missed her call because I was in a lake metal detecting. I responded to her email as soon as I saw it & she called me right back. She explained where they were on the beach. Where they walked to. She told me that they saw someone detecting on the beach the night before and had him search the area that they had their blanket. No luck. She felt so bad that she lost it, she started searching on the internet and found me.

I made the trip to the shore. I noticed that a fellow recovery expert Ed Cropski stated he was going to do a recovery later in the day. I sent him a message and my hunch was right, Alice had called him also. Ed wanted me to keep him informed on my progress.

I got to the beach around 2 pm. It was fairly crowded. I started detecting the from the path to the beach toward the water, I traveled in a north and south grid pattern. One of my 1st finds was a 1cc syringe. I secured it and put it in a soda can then crushed the can. I continued on.

Near a shed that rented chairs and umbrellas was a pair of obviously homeless people that set up camp. Alice said that her & Eric were in that area the day before, shaking their towels before leaving the beach, but didn’t mention any homeless residence, but I wasn’t going to get close to them fearing that I might get slashed.

Did I say that the search area was next to a beach bar? 4 hours later and 150-200 bottle caps later I decided to give up for the day. The heat was getting to me and a finished all of the water that I brought.

Ed went down after dark and searched. He saw my grid pattern that I left in the sand & he expanded it. The same homeless people were still camped out. Ed searched for 3 hours with no luck.

I got up early the next day to try again. When I arrived the beach, on the far side of the beach bar was roped off for a Good Morning America Broadcast for Above & Beyond segment later in the day. Bonus was that the police removed all of the homeless people from the area.

I went to the area that I couldn’t get to the day before. With in 15 minutes I had a 14k gold wedding band in my hand. I sent Alice an email and she called me almost immediately. I told her that I found the rind and she started to cry. I should note that they have only been married for 5 months.

We made arrangements to meet up over the weekend to get Eric his ring band. Alice said they had a story to tell my wife & I.

We met at a local Starbucks. The look on Alice’s & Eric’s face when I showed them the ring was priceless. I love this hobby!! Alice proceeds to tell us that the story of the lost ring has gone national. Eric’s mom is a host on QVC. She posted to her Facebook page the story of the lost rind and this guy who was trying to find it. The page has close to 12,000 likes and close to 1000 comments.  (Story posted on FaceBook)

Here is a note from Alice & Eric:

Dear Dave,

Thank you so much for your amazing skill in finding Eric’s wedding ring. We are newlyweds and were so upset we lost it so soon. But we consoled ourselves on the day. I as Eric’s wife did not want to give up as I had felt so bad, so God blessed my hope through you. You were the answer to our prayer and we fell our covenant is even stronger now.


Lost For Several Years… August 15, 2015

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Paul contacted me back in November 2012 about his wedding ring he lost. He thought that he lost it in his backyard while raking leaves.

Our schedules didn’t line up for many reasons. We both forgot about it.

I was checking/deleting my old emails when I came across the ones from Paul. I saw that I didn’t have an outcome listed for this missing ring. So I emailed Paul to see if it had been found. He said it is funny that you are asking about my ring. My wife & I were just discussing it the other night at dinner. It is still lost.

A few back & forth emails and we set a date & time the I would go over and search, Saturday August 15th.

I arrived and Paul & his son David were in the driveway replacing breaks on a car. Paul showed me the backyard and the area he thought it was lost. He then stated, if it is not here then its in the neighbors yard, because I was throwing items into their yard. I can get you permission to search there too.

I asked Paul about the ring. He said it was a plain wedding band. OK I thought I know what range o my detector that should register.

I started searching & noticed a lot of iron in the ground, not good. I searched the area Paul suggested and found pieces of metal garden dividers, pull tabs and other assorted junk. Not one good item. I decided to continue to search the rest of the yard.

About an hour into the search I finally got a good signal. It was above the range That it should be in. I dug about 2 inches down and found a very large gold ring with 2 turquoise stones in it. Well this isn’t the ring. because this isn’t a plain wedding band.

I searched the rest of the yard and found nothing else. I went to talk to Paul. I asked him, “you said a plain wedding band, correct?”

He said “oh it has 2 turquoise stones in it.”

“Like this one?” I said as I pulled the ring out of my pouch. He stood there with his mouth wide open. He couldn’t believe that I had found it. It was very large, I don’t know how he could have lost it without realizing it.

I went to the hose and cleaned it up a bit. We took some pictures and shared some stories. He said that he designed this ring and his wife’s matching ring. They have been married for 29 years. I apologized for dropping the ball and not finding this ring back in 2012.

I am just amazed by the different expressions on peoples faces when I am able to return things!!


Beautiful Flowers August 29, 2015

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Beautiful Flowers…

I received a call earlier in the week from Rob, asking if I was the guy who finds lost rings. I told him that I was and asked how I could help. He said that there are 2 missing rings in front of his residence in the flower bed.

He was out of town on business until the weekend, so we planned to meet up on Saturday morning. I assumed that they lost them while planting the flowers. So it should be an easy find.

I arrived and met Rob. I asked him to show me where he thought that they were. I asked him how long ago that the flowers were planted and about how deep were the holes when they planted them.

He said they were lost about a week ago during an argument and were thrown there. Well there ya go you know what happens when you assume. They spent a couple of hours looking for them with flashlights.

I asked where she was standing when she threw them. He said that he threw them. There ya go another assumption! He showed me the direction. I went back to my truck to get my equipment.

I had to fight the sounds from the sprinkler system in the ground. After about 20 minutes I got a good repeatable signal. Looked through the flowers and found the wedding band. Rob was amazed.

We were now looking for the engagement ring. I continued with my machine and Rob then jumped into the flower bed and started hand searching the bushes. He said that he thought one went farther then the other and that one made it to the bushes.

After about 10 more minutes I hear Rob Shout, “I got it!!” And there it was. A few high fives were thrown. He stated you saved my life!

I took a few pictures and gave him my business card just in-case there was a need in the future. He was a happy man… My wife said after I got home was “I knew it! I knew they were thrown!”

I have responded to so many lost rings because they were thrown in the heat of the moment. Call me 1st, I’ll take the ring off of your hands and save the time for a search later…


Anniversary Trip…


June 21, 2012

My first morning in Jamaica and I was out on the beach at 5:30 am with my detector, searching the warm waters. This is the 1st time I have traveled outside of the USA with my detector. Very relaxing!! The water was very warm and I had the beach to myself, watching the sun rise.

I was having fun finding coins when a man called me over to the dry sand. He said that he knew where there was a gold ring. I asked him several
questions. He said he lost it yesterday while playing catch in the water. He
was about chest deep when he felt it fly off. I asked him where he was. He took
me down to the beach bar and said “out there”. He said it was a yellow &
white gold band with no inscription.

I told him I would look for him. He said that there was a problem. He was leaving the resort in 45 min to fly back to Wisconsin. Nothing like pressure!! I told him to leave his information at the desk so if I find it I could make sure it gets returned. He said he would.

I went out to the area he pointed to. First signal was a set of room keys. About 15 minutes later I had another signal. Two scoops later I had a white & yellow gold ring in my hand. Wow! I found it! I quickly left the water, ran back to my room to drop off my equipment and to grab a camera. My wife was still sleeping so she couldn’t come with me.

I was hurrying up to the resort lobby. I saw Matt walking down the path toward the beach, scanning the water. I can only guess the thoughts going through his head. Where did he go? Did he find it and leave? He then spotted me walking toward him.

He asked how I made out. I reached into my pocket and produced the ring. He said “No way!!” He couldn’t believe it! He said he was so happy he was ready to cry! He said that he wanted to give me a hug. I said I was wet and smelly. He didn’t care. He gave me a hug. He said that I needed to follow him to the lobby to meet his wife.

When she saw Matt walking toward her holding up his finger, she screamed “No way!!” She said to me that she needed to give me a hug. I told her that I am soaked and smelly, but she didn’t care. She gave me a hug. They told me they were there celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary. We had a bystander snap a quick picture because their bus was there waiting to take them to the airport. We exchanged some basic information. They offered me a reward, but I declined. I was happy that they could end their vacation on a
happy note.

They had a long travel day ahead of them. Both of them now wet and

Beach Chair Trouble… (August 5, 2015)

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Last night while taking a long walk on the beach with my wife, I got a call from fellow jewelry recovery expert Edward Cropski. He received a call about a lost ring. He was unable to come down to the beach to search. He knew I was in Ocean City, so he called me to see if I was available. He gave me the number for Chris.

I called Chris. He said while on the beach today he took his ring off before he went into the water with his kids. He put it in the cup holder of his chair. After swimming they went home for the evening. He remembers flipping his chair over to shake the sand off.

When he got back to where he was staying, he remembered about his ring. He immediately went to the internet to search for help.

He was glad that I called. I told him it would take me about 30 minutes to meet him where he thought he lost it. We only hoped that another person detecting the beach didn’t already find it. The beach he was on is heavily detected.

As I approached Chris & his wife and son, there was another guy in the area with a detector searching the sand.

Chris showed me the area he was in and where he thought that his chair was. I started to search. I thought to my self this should be easy because it was a small area.

I searched the area and came up with 6 bottle caps and 5 pull tabs along with some other junk. Only 1 penny was in the area. Chris’ wife thought that the ring was gone forever.

I expanded the area the Chris thought that he was in. About 2 minutes later I got a good tone & ID number on my machine. It was his ring. When I showed it to them the looks on their faces was priceless. Chris’ wife just stood there with her mouth open in shock.

Chris told me that this was his dad’s ring. His dad died of cancer in 1989. He also said that this was the 4th time he lost the ring.

The 1st time was went he was fishing in a stream. He went to wash his hands in the water, the ring fell off. He grabbed as much of the bottom that he could and found the ring in the muck. The 2nd time was was spreading mulch in his yard. He once again was able to find it. The 3rd time was in Puerto Rico swimming in a pool. He had management clear the pool and searched and found it.

He swears and so does his wife that he will never wear it near water again. He hugged me and shook my hand several times.
Another missing ring returned…


Bugged In The backyard (August 8, 2015)


OK, I’m home from vacation unpacking & cleaning my metal detectors, and I get a phone call from Kate. She says that her husband was in the backyard watering the flowers when he lost his wedding ring.

I ask the usual questions when was it lost? Today Is there any metal fencing around? No Has anyone else looked? No. She said it was lost a few hours ago, they believe that it is in the neighbors yard, but its un-kept. They live in Philly. The thought about renting a detector and while searching for detectors my site came up.
I looked up the address and said that I could be there in 45 minutes. She said make sure you come prepared, there are a lot of mosquitoes.

After searching for a parking spot for about 20 minutes I found one about a block away. I took 1 detector with me and walked to their house. I met Brett at the door. He showed me out back and where he was. He said he was watering the plants when a mosquito buzzed by his ear. He swatted at the bug an his ring flew off. He didn’t hear it land so it had to be in the neighbors yard. His yard is covered by a wooded deck.

The neighbors yard was a mess. It hasn’t been taken care of in years. The only way in was to climb over a 5 foot cement wall. Brett said that the neighbor game him permission to search, but he had to figure out how to get in & out.

The bugs were worse than I imagined. I had to go back to my truck and get a send detector with a smaller coil because of all of the trash. I also put on a long sleeve shirt and a hat that not only covers my head but mu neck too.

With the assistance of a step stool I was able to get into the yard, not sure how I was going to get out because it was much higher on this side. There were so many metal items in this yard my hopes were very low.

I decided to look around 1st. There was no grass, but plenty of weeds and 3-4 foot saplings. Weeds with sticker balls and the like. I searched for about 15 minutes just by looking. Moving the plants & saplings. I was just about to gram a detector when I saw the ring.

It was a beautiful tri-colored gold ring. White gold, yellow gold & rose gold. Brett said when he was looking for rings for the wedding he just couldn’t find one he liked. He told his dad the the only ring here really likes is the one his father wore. His dad without hesitation gave him his ring. So there was a huge sentimental attachment.

I found a milk crate to give me a little height to try to climb out of the yard. It was just enough for me to pull myself up and get over the wall.

We went into the house & took some pictures. I’m not sure if I would have found it with a detector, even with a 3 inch coil to get through the trash. I guess I am getting pretty good at this treasure hunting thing!!


Out In The Snow (January 11, 2003)


Jan 6th 2003 I received the following email:

I am in a horrible jam. I lost my wedding band between my house and my car….I looked for hours and I cant seem to find it. I wonder if some one from your group could possibly help me find it…. I can’t offer much but I would be happy to give 50 bucks. I know this is not much but we just got married and still kind of hard to make ends meet. I live in Stratford NJ ….if you could possible help me or maybe point me to some how could….

I contacted this person and planned to meet the next day. Around 930 am in 20 degree F temp and snow on the ground we met. I knew he didn’t trust me because he wanted to follow me all around. I asked the usual questions, when, where and how do you think you lost it. He said he was late for work and ran out of the house.

He said he felt the ring coming off his finger while he was running from his house to his car, so he closed his fist to keep the ring on. When he got to the car the ring was gone. He said it was white gold. He showed me his path of travel. I told him I would do a grid pattern of the whole front yard.

I search up & down finding everything under the sun except the ring. He was questioning all of the target registering on my XLT. I was trying to explain the different targets, like this is probably a penny at 6 inches. I could see the skepticism in his face.

No ring in that direction, so I said I will do the same thing going back and forth. Still no ring. I told him I would try a different coil. He said he had to go make a few phone calls. So I went to my car to switch coils from my 6 inch to the 10 inch coil.

At this point I was there for about an hour and even though I had gloves on my hands were frozen. So I was attaching the new coil when I looked down and saw the ring sitting there so nice and pretty. It was sitting less than 2 inches from a sewer pipe (no wonder my XLT didn’t find it). So I picked it up and put it on my finger.

I knocked on the door and held my finger up. You would not believe the look on his face!! I showed him where I found it, there was still a depression in the snow where it was located. I explained why the machine didn’t find it. I had a smile on my face the rest of the day.

Dave MilstedFacebooktwitter

Playing On The Beach (July 31, 2012)


I received a call from Tim in Upstate NY on a Wednesday. He was very upset. He had lost his ring, the day before while on vacation in Stone Harbor NJ, while he playing in the surf. He had tried looking for it but he feared that is was gone.

I couldn’t look for it till the following Sunday. I asked him several questions and he knew the answers to them all. He was very prepared and knew where he lost the ring.

I started searching at 5:30 am that Sunday. There were very few targets on the beach. I was fearing the worst, that someone else had already found the ring. By 7:30 I only had found 6 targets, 2 coins and 4 pieces of trash. I was ready to give up. I said to myself a couple more passes then I can leave. At 8 am I had a good tone, scooped it up and low and behold I had Tim’s ring. I left the beach and got ready to drive home and the song on the radio was “Whoop There It Is”.

When I got home I called Tim. He couldn’t believe that I found it. He made arrangements to drive down and pick it up that Tuesday. He even brought
his wedding album to show my wife and I. He was so happy to get his ring back. Even though I told him a reward was not necessary, he left one.

Below is Tim’s story:

We were having a great week on vacation at the beach in Stone Harbor.  The temperature (weather and water) were just perfect , but the surf was a bit rough.  On Tuesday I went for a swim right about high tide and then I went back to our “camp” to dry off and immediately realized that I had lost my wedding ring in the water!  I knew exactly where I had been swimming but searched and was unable to find it.  I was very disappointed to say the least but still continued to look into the next day hoping the tide would wash it up, but no luck.  I thought I would never see it again.

The next morning we had to take my daughter to urgent care because she was running a fever (she’s fine).   On the way back she fell asleep in the car and I stopped to pick up some lunch.   While I was gone my wife got bored in the car and started searching the internet on her phone to see if anyone had posted a ring under the “lost+found” on Craiglist.

She stumbled upon this story http://theringfinders.com/blog/Dave.Milsted/2012/06/lost-gold-ring-stone-harbor-nj/ , which ultimately led to us contacting Dave to see if he could help us find the ring.  We were skeptical but he said he could look for the ring but not until the next Sunday (we came back home to NY on Saturday).  On Sunday AM he called to tell us he had located the ring!  We were amazed, it was buried several inches in the sand right where I said I lost it, 6 days earlier.  Dave sent a email with the picture to confirm it was in fact the ring!   I drove back down to Jersey the following Tuesday to retrieve the ring.  We are very happy to have it back and still in disbelief!

Lessons learned:

1-Leave your rings at home

2-Looking for a ring in the ocean is NOT like looking for a needle
in the haystack:)

3-Google DOES have all the answers

4-Dave is amazing, thanks so much!Facebooktwitter